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  • “So, are you with me?”

    By Grant Fuller on Barack Obama

    President Obama sent this message to supporters today:

    My first run for office started way back in 1995. Back then I knocked on doors, stood in front of grocery stores shaking hands, and printed my own flyers at the local copy shop.

    I haven't won everything I've taken on since then, but I've learned a heck of a lot from the challenges I've faced—and I've never regretted a single fight.

    This time, losing just isn't an option. Too much is at stake. Millions of Americans have fought too long and too hard for health care reform, the opportunity for their kids to go to college, and for a steady job with a good wage. But a Romney-Ryan White House would roll back so much of our progress.

    Just remember, these are the guys that talk about repealing the Affordable Care Act on their first day in office, taking away a woman's right to make her own health decisions, turning Medicare into a voucher system—and giving huge tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires at the expense of middle-class families.

    I am going to do everything in my power to make sure they don't get the chance—but I can't do this alone. What you give right now will decide whether we can get enough voters to the polls on November 6th.

    So, are you with me?




  • This week in Truth Team

    By Truth Team on Truth Team

    At the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney took to the stage, looked voters in the eye, and deliberately distorted the facts about his own plans.

    Check out this fact-check of Romney's most outrageous claims.

    Watch a video rundown of his biggest falsehoods.

    Romney claimed he wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class, but independent tax experts agree: That’s the only way he could pay for his $5 trillion tax cut—skewed toward millionaires and billionaires—without exploding the deficit.

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  • “I just wanted to help out a little bit”

    By Noah Remnick on Why I give

    “I will be in massive debt and probably without a job if Mitt Romney wins this election,” explains Maria, a social studies teacher in North Carolina.

    “I just finished up my graduate work and have a good amount of student loans I still need to pay off. I’ve seen the payments go significantly down since President Obama worked to reform the student loan system and cut out the middleman. Being able to borrow money directly from the government makes my fees much less expensive.

    “I just got hired as a teacher in the public school system in North Carolina. Mitt Romney’s policies will cut public sector jobs, which means that some people like me will lose their livelihoods.”

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  • West Virginia: Stacy Keller

    By Noah Remnick on Organizing Volunteering Volunteers Across America

    My name is Stacy Keller. I studied at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia and I just finished getting my master’s degree at Gonzaga University. I’ve always been involved in politics—mostly local politics when I was younger. My dad used to take my sisters and me around to knock on doors when we were little. This election, I knew I wanted to do everything I could to help President Obama so I got involved with Obama for America. I started helping on the Ohio side of things because Vice President Biden had an event at a car dealership in Ohio and some of us West Virginians came to join them.

    I can literally throw a stone out my window and hit Ohio, so I’ve been canvassing there almost every weekend. It’s where I feel I can make the biggest difference. After all, no Republican has ever been elected president without winning Ohio. And even when we can’t go canvass there, we use the online call tool to make calls into Ohio. They have a lot of work to do over there, and we’re doing all we can to help. Lately, my team has been calling people to make sure they’re registered and ready to vote. And of course, we try to encourage early voting.

    My favorite thing to do as a volunteer is definitely canvassing. You get to meet such a range of people. I’ve talked to a lot for older women in their 80s and 90s who were thrilled to see that there are younger women carrying on the torch. I’ve talked to people who aren’t really into politics because I get to tell them why I’m in for President Obama and they realize, “Wow, maybe this could help me!” So I tell those people about registering to vote and they realize how easy it is. That’s why those face-to-face interactions are so important. I’m just one person but I feel like I make a difference with every door I knock on, every phone call I make, every person I meet.

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  • The weekly wrap-up

    By Emily Beyer on

    President Obama in Wisconsin

    1. President Obama spoke to 30,000 people in the middle of campus at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Check out some of the best photos from the event here.

    2. In Fairfax, Virginia, President Obama spoke about what’s at stake for women in this election, and how far back the other side would take us.

    3. On taxes, health care, Medicare, and more, Mitt Romney misrepresented the facts during the first presidential debate in Denver.

    4. Brittany’s letter to the President reminds us who Mitt Romney is talking about when he mentions the "47%."

    5. Unemployment dropped below 8% last month, the lowest rate since January 2009, and the economy added 104,000 private sector jobs.

    6. When it comes to middle class taxes, this election offers a choice between two very different plans.


  • Saturday calling: Follow the leaders

    By Grant Fuller on Organizing

    Call team leaderboard

    15,465. That’s how many phone calls have been made already today by just one group of volunteers using the online call tool—and the superstar callers are featured on the leaderboard.

    Every day, volunteers use the call tool from their homes all across the country. Making calls to voters in battleground states like Ohio, North Carolina, or Iowa is one of the best ways you can help President Obama win this election.

    Think you can catch Katie and the rest of these top 10 callers? Join the National Call Team and start dialing today.

    Join the call team

  • This is big, big news

    By Jim Messina, Campaign Manager on

    I have amazing news, and it's all because of what people like you have done for this campaign.

    In September, this campaign and our party’s grassroots organization raised $181 million. I don't think I have to tell you how huge that number is.

    The more important tally, though, is the number of grassroots donors who came together to chip in what they can to help grow this campaign: more than 1,800,000 million Americans, giving an average donation of just $53.

    Day in and day out, you're out there getting the President's back. It’s your commitment that gives him and everybody who works for this campaign the confidence and inspiration to get back at it every single day. And we're all going to do the best we can over next 31 days to honor that support.

    But this election isn't over. With one month left we need to lean in and sprint.

    Chip in whatever you can now so we can finish strong.

    Read More…


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