• Artifacts at the Summit of the Chilkoot Trail

    Klondike Gold Rush

    National Historical Park Alaska

Be A Junior Ranger


Join Park Rangers from Klondike Gold Rush NHP at our Junior Ranger Station. The new center gives kids the chance to dress up as a stampeder, play victorian games, touch wild animal pelts, and earn a Junior Ranger badge!

Junior Ranger Activity Center
Located at 4th & Broadway Ave
Open Monday- Friday
10 am- 12 pm & 1-3 pm


Park Ranger explaining activity to kids.

NPS Photo

Join rangers for fun Junior Ranger games.

Explore. Learn. Protect. That is what being a Junior Ranger is all about. 

If you are in Skagway, come visit Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park's Visitor Center. There you can pick up a Junior Ranger Book and spend the day exploring gold rush history. 

If you would like to get a head start on your Junior Ranger Badge for Klondike Gold Rush National Historical park you can download your workbook now and get started today!  Just select your age group and print out the booklet. 

Once you have finished the booklet you can bring it to the Visitor Center and find a ranger or send it to:

Klondike Gold Rush NHP
Attn: Junior Ranger
PO Box 517
Skagway, Ak 99840




Visit public lands around Alaska and become an Alaska Adventure Ranger!

Ranger leading future Junior Rangers on a walk.


Ranger Molly helps kids discover Gold Rush History.

Are you visiting Alaska and want to become a Jr. Ranger?

More than 80% of Alaska is public lands managed by the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, as well as other state and local agencies! Many of the sites have Jr. Ranger Programs! If you visit 3+ participating sites you can become an Alaska Adventure Ranger. Simply participate in each site's Jr. Ranger program and track your adventure with the Alaska Adventure Ranger worksheet. A ranger will initial your worksheet at each stop. At the third park, forest, or wildlife refuge a ranger will award you with a special re-usable lunch bag! Happy Travels!

Did You Know?

pile of boards and canvas in ruin on rocks

The mystery of why these canvas boats were left behind at the Chilkoot summit of Klondike Gold Rush NHP, remains unsolved.  One theory reports that it was too costly to pay the customs to take them over the border. Perhaps they were too flimsy for the rough waters of Bennett Lake?