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National Archives Applied Research

National Archives Applied Research
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  1. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    • Mark Conrad
       Slides from Mark Conrad's presentation on ISO 16363 and 16919 Trustworthy Digital Repositories at the 2012 NAGARA/CoSA Meeting in Santa Fe
      12 · July 20 at 10:00am
  2. The discussion is as interesting as the article: "What causes issues is when a business area falls for the glib talk of some sales person and insists on a certain device or software be purchase and when it does NOT live up to what the busin...
    ess area wanted they blame the IT people who told them at the start it wouldn't meet the needs they said they needed. Or if it meets the stated needs the new gear / software doesn't meet the unstated needs that were never mentioned, and it's IT's fault for not being aware of those unstated needs."
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  3. Our Research Partners at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center have been nominated for a prestigious HPCwire Readers’ Choice Award. They have been recognized for the development of a disk-based file repository and data-management system called the Data Supercell. Congrats - Paul, Jared, Zhihui, Jason, J. Ray, and Michael.
  4. Abundant renewable energy and constant cool temperatures make Iceland a natural for locating HPC data centers.

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