CDC: Tips from Former Smokers - Suzy's Ad


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Published on Mar 15, 2012 by

Smoking contributes to one in five strokes in the United States. In this TV ad for CDC's "Tips From Former Smokers" campaign, Suzy talks about losing her independence after smoking caused her to have a stroke.

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Uploader Comments (CDCStreamingHealth)

  • i had COPD  and dr told me to stop smoke...CANT...pls help

  • We are sorry to hear about your COPD diagnosis, but quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to improve your health now and for the long term. We know it’s not easy to quit, but help is available if you need it. If you would like to speak to someone, free counseling is available by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW. There are also free online resources available at You can be smoke-free for good!

  • My mom is in the hospital for this as I type.

    Hers was caused from a stroke

    They don't have enough tubes/wires in this video..

    The actress speaking is far too coherent for someone who had a brain annurism

    It's actually much worse..


  • People who have strokes can have paralysis or loss of muscle movement, difficulty talking or swallowing, memory loss or trouble with understanding, or pain, numbness or other strange sensations in in their bodies. After a stroke, people can also have changes in their behavior. As with any brain injury, the type and severity of these problems varies from person to person.

  • A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off, leaving brain tissue without enough oxygen and food. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. The symptoms of a stroke can be temporary or permanent, depending on how long blood flow is cut off and which part of the brain was affected.

Top Comments

  • Not everyone who develops coronary heart disease (CHD) is a smoker. Other risk factors that you can control include being overweight; being physically inactive; having an unhealthy diet; and having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. Your risk for CHD and heart attack increases with the number of risk factors you have and their severity. Some risk factors, including smoking, put you at greater risk than others.

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  • I am her son. As you can see her situation is a result from her stroke. She has since recovered from her stroke but is left paralyzed. With proper treatment and recovery you can regain your speech, memory and motor skills. Only when you first have a stroke and are in the hospital would you be on any tubes. The filming was done on location at a nursing home not in an emergency room just after a stroke but instead years after.

  • Quit cold turkey...that's what my dad did.  It's the hardest way, but it's the only thing that works.

  • I would love for them to put a disclaimer about how much she smoked. She probably smoked two packs a day for thirty years or better yet her stroke may have had nothing to do with her smoking.

  • Why isn't he wearing gloves.

  • There are other risk factors for stroke besides smoking - age over 55, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, cardiovascular disease, use of drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines, & heavy drinking all increase the risk of stroke. However, smoking cigarettes increases the risk of stroke even after accounting for these other risk factors. Good news- after a smoker stops for several years, the risk is the same as in someone who never smoked.

  • Umm...being paralyzed isn't better than having a hole in your trachea. Just thought you should know.

  • is this guy bathing his own mom?

  • OK, I keep seeing your comments and you clearly need some guidance. The point of these ads are not to stop giving money to the tobacco companies. It's to benefit the health of American citizens - they're showing the mass extent of what could happen if you take up smoking. This is because, even if you never had this problem, many people still see smoking as 'cool'. It might be annoying having these ads up, but you could just simply get over it like a normal person...

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