Adoptive Parents Give Away Child With FASD


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Uploaded by on Sep 27, 2010

Lori and Craig Gertz gave away Ellie because she was out of control.


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  • As the grandmother of an adopted child with reactive attachment disorder you have no idea what you are talking about. She has the same types of rages and behaviors as these parents discribe.

  • I am the adoptive mom of one child with FAS and one with FASD. There are symptoms from birth. These kids are very sensitive to stimuli, cannot keep food down, struggle to sleep, are overwhelmed by eye contact, find it difficult to bond, are very irritable, are inconsolable when they cry, do not cuddle or relax, and on and on. This is a result of brain damage, and not every family can cope. It's better for a child to be with a capable foster family than an adoptive family which cannot manage.

  • Hi, I am the adoptive mother of an infant with FAS, which I knew when we adopted her. FAS has numerous physical features, which are distinctive to the disorder. Children with FAS lack a philtrum, have narrow palpebral fissures, eyelid folds similar to children with Down syndrome, a head circumference below the 5th percentile, and a very thin upper lip. The disorder has both physical and behavioral symptoms, and the brain damage is visible on MRI. It is very real. Regards, Deb

  • I know this happened to a similar family. they adopted a girl who they knew had special needs but not FASD. The FASD child would run into walls and claim they abused her when she went to school. The family had to have her put in a protective environment. FASD often end up in jail, substance abuse issues and even worse on the streets working as a prostitute

  • I honestly don't blame the family. She was insane, they didn't have the time to give to this kid to fix her bio-mothers mistakes, and she would have broken up the whole family.

  • You can't spell yet you're advising people how to parent

  • The majority of us dislike this bullshit video, and those two MOTHERFUCKER parents :)

  • It's a cultural thing, that's the sad part, in a lot of places the child's behavior would be seen as the normal childhood behavior and even in a lot of groups in U.S. society. I think these parents are just going through something themselves. I don't believe in FAS because too many kids act different although the mom drank alchohol. One persons brain damage is another persons normal.

  • I feel bad for this entire family. That is a tough decision to have to make. I hope she gets better and that she can be reunited with her family.

  • They were mislead and made to believe this child was normal.

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