CDC: Tips from Former Smokers - Cessation Tips Ad


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Published on Mar 15, 2012 by

You can quit smoking! This inspiring TV ad features three people who successfully quit smoking after many years. They share their practical tips on how to quit for good in this ad from CDC's "Tips From Former Smokers" campaign.

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Uploader Comments (CDCStreamingHealth)

  • What they dont show here is how physically demanding and debilitatig quitting is for some people. Nope, its glamerous and easy for everyone according to this commercial. Then you commit suicide after 2 weeks off of cigarettes. Thats really positive, aint it? You people make me sick....

  • The goal of the CDC Tips campaign is to raise awareness of the human suffering caused by smoking and to encourage smokers to quit. In addition to profiling people living with smoking-related health effects, the campaign also features three former smokers who provide tips on how they successfully quit. All of the ads contain a very clear and encouraging message to smokers that they can quit and that free resources are available by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW or accessing

  • Finally,some good stories about people quitting this terrible habit!It did my heart good to see this.Its nice to know that it is beatable and people can reclaim their lives like this!

  • Thanks for your feedback and support regarding the Tips campaign! Nearly 70% of smokers say they want to quit, and half make a serious quit attempt each year. This ad features three former smokers who provide tips on how they successfully quit. Each tip, such as throwing away their cigarettes and ashtrays, exercising, identifying a strong reason to quit, and “just keep trying,” all form part of their successful quit experiences.

Top Comments

  • Why do I get the feeling that the only people watching these Ads are non-smokers?? I hope that that isn't the case. I'd like to see these Ads on TV, morning noon and night.

  • Her sons growing up without her...I felt that. I really did. It's like she's there, but not really. I can guess she probably used to smoke all the time, leaving her children to take care of their own problems since childhood. Even through puberty, all she did was My point? Oh, sorry. I was just remembering. It's not spam but delete this comment, if you feel the need.

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  • the minor issue i have here regard to this video is the "lovely" music in the background, as for the general public to take photogenic people for such crucial subject it's seems not genuine and can be easily done by non smokers for this specific ad.

    on the other side i hereby to announce that i would quit, and yes because of suzy, terrie, and all the other explicit videos i watched. i really hope you will air it on television, that can actually help save people live.

  • Lol @ quitting being physically demanding and debilitating. Exposing yourself to a level of smoke inhalation equivalent to escaping a house fire every day for years and years is clearly the better alternative. Strong point. Exercising is physically demanding as well, are you going to argue that that is also bad for you? You don't need to justify your own smoking to us. You can do whatever you want with your body. It's yours. If you want to slowly destroy it, no one can stop you except yourself.

  • Weird, I haven't seen this ad on TV and it's positive! What is up w/ that?!?

  • My dad smoked a couple a cigarettes a day but then my mother told him let's have a baby. After my mother made that statement my dad immediatly tried to stop smoking. He was afraid that I would have brain defects or other defects. He wanted to stop just or me.

  • Talk to these guyz n see how easy it is to quit. CALL: 866-945-0140 AND JUST QUIT!

  • When my parents were still together they each smoked at least 1/2 pack to 1 pack a day.

    When they split and my dad moved out my mother quit........which was almost 8-10 years ago.

  • im never smoking in my life.


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