Federal Aviation Administration

Aviation Educators’ Guide


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Aviation Educators’ GuideOctober 11–The September/October 2012 issue of FAA Safety Briefing, posted on the FAA website at http://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing/, explores the critical role of the aviation educator. Articles focus on flight instructor requirements and best practices as well as the many tools and educational resources that can help sharpen CFI teaching skills.

Feature articles include: a look at the different types of aviation training devices and how they can enhance a pilot’s learning experience; a hair-raising story on the importance of situational awareness; and what it takes to be a flight instructor. In addition, the issue’s Checklist department (pg. 29) looks at the progress made by the Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) on airman testing standards and training.

The issue also contains an important update on runway safety strategies with “A Course Set for Safety” (pg. 24), looks at the FAA’s plans to begin beta-testing distance learning for AMT trainees in Nuts, Bolts, and Electrons (pg. 19), and outlines some important cold weather precautions for rotorcraft in Vertically Speaking (pg. 28).

Page Last Modified: 10/11/12 11:30 EDT

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