U.S. Department of Commerce

Frequently Asked Questions


Top Questions

What data can I get for ZIP Code Tabulation Areas?
You can get population and housing data for ... (more)

Can the U.S. Census Bureau help me find information about my family's history?
Although censuses are a source of genealogical information, the Census Bureau does not provide these data nor can we ... (more)

American FactFinder: How do I find all the Census Tracts in a Place?
The process to find all Census Tracts within a City, Town, or County Subdivision varies based on the dataset you are ... (more)

American FactFinder: How do I find the population of my city, town, county, or state?
Here are two easy ways to find the population for your city, town, county, or state.    ... (more)

When will data from the 2010 census be available?
The apportionment counts will be delivered to the President within nine months of Census Day (on or before December 3... (more)

1940 Census Records
Please refer to the following resources regarding the 1940 Census. ... (more)

Can I get detailed import and export data?
Yes, we have detailed import and export data available through an ... (more)

American FactFinder: How do I find a Factsheet for my city or town?
Currently, Factsheets are not available in the new American FactFinder. To recreate the data available from the legacy A... (more)

Where can I find historical census data on the population?
In addition to our Selected Historical ... (more)

American FactFinder: How do I find all blocks within a Census tract?
While the process to find all blocks within a Census tract is the same for all decennial censuses, the size and ... (more)

I don't know which of the Census 2000 summary files I need. What are the differences?
The four summary files below for Census 2000 are among the most detailed data products available from the popula... (more)

American FactFinder: How do I find the 2010 population for a Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA)?
A ZCTA is a generalized area representation of U.S. Postal Service (USPS) ZIP Code service areas. They represent the ... (more)

How will data from 2010 Census be made available?
The 2010 Census data will be disseminated mainly through American FactFinder beginning in January of 2011. Visit Amer... (more)

How can I get data from the American Community Survey (ACS)?
The Census Bureau publishes ACS data in tables on the ... (more)

How can I get permission to use or publish census data?
Copyright protection is not available for any work of the United States Government (Title 17 U.S.C., Section 105). ... (more)

American FactFinder: How can I map my data?
In American FactFinder, you can build a map of a specific piece of data about a particular area. These maps are ... (more)

Does the U.S. Census Bureau provide data on poverty?
Our web site on Poverty provides data links to... (more)

Can someone help me find my Schedule B number?
Here are three options:Call the ... (more)

American FactFinder: Why can't I find a specific place, Census tract, metro area, ZCTA, etc.?
American FactFinder organizes data for over 11 million different geographic areas. In order to properly organize such... (more)

Where do I find information on the number of people in my area surveyed by the American Community Survey (A...
Information on sample size, response rates, coverage rates, and item allocation rates is available on the ... (more)

American FactFinder: What are the limits for downloading tables?
Download from Search Results (without viewing table):... (more)

What does the U.S. Census Bureau provide on ancestry?
The Census Bureau provides data on ancestry... (more)

How do I classify my product, locate the HS number and export commodity code for the Schedule B?
For help with import classification, you must contact your l... (more)

When is it best to use American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year estimates?
You must think about the balance between currency and sample size/reliability/precision. The 1-year and 3-year e... (more)

American FactFinder: How do I find data for "all the counties in a state" or "all the census tracts in a st...
Search for "all counties in a state" or "all the census tracts in a state" or similar geographies by selecting Geogra... (more)

Do you have data by single year of age?
Yes, the U.S. Census Bureau produces data by single year of age: The U.S. Census Bureau... (more)

What does the U.S. Census Bureau produce by race and Hispanic origin?
U.S. federal government agencies must adhere to st... (more)

Will the 2010 Census data products be the same as those released from Census 2000?
The types of products are the same. We expect to release summary files, profiles, and reports. However, the design of... (more)

Can I generate my own custom tables from the U.S. Census Bureau site?
The Census Bureau provides several ... (more)

Does the Census Bureau prepare thematic maps?
There are a number of options for getting maps. You can get ... (more)

Does the U.S. Census Bureau provide any data by first names and surnames?
The Census Bureau provides first and surname data that may be... (more)

Does the U.S. Census Bureau produce data on educational attainment?
The Census Bureau provides data on educational attainment from the following sources:American C... (more)

I received the American Community Survey (ACS) in the mail. Do I use a pencil or pen to complete the form?
Use a pen with blue or black ink, or a #2 pencil. For more information on how to respond or get hel... (more)

How do I know if I need a block map or a census tract outline map?
Census 2000 Census Tract Outline Maps delineate census tract boundaries within counties, as well as boundaries for po... (more)

How do I find my import commodity code? How do I find my Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number?
The United States International Trade Commission allows you to ... (more)

American FactFinder: Why can't I easily modify my Excel download?
In American FactFinder, users can download information into Excel via a database compatible download (.csv) and a presen... (more)

How do I know who counts as a "resident" for the American Community Survey (ACS)?
The ACS uses the concept of "current residence" to determine who should be considered residents of sa... (more)

How does the U.S. Census Bureau define ratio of  income to poverty?
Some Census Bureau tables show counts of people or families, categorized by how their income compares with their pove... (more)

Does the Census Bureau have data for religion?
The Census Bureau conducted censuses of religious bodies at 10-year intervals from 1906 through 1936. The results wer... (more)

How do I get trade information (imports and exports) on a specific product?
In order to get trade information, you need to be able to correctly classify your product.  There are many ways ... (more)

When I'm shipping something out of the U.S., do I need to know my Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)?
When exporting commodities out of the United States (or releasing technology or source code to a foreign national in ... (more)

How do I receive or discontinue receiving American Community Survey (ACS) email updates?
Subscribe To sign up for updates, select the "Get Email U... (more)

I'm an appraiser and need to assign census tract numbers to street addresses. What do I do?
There are several online resources that are useful in associating street addresses to census tracts. The ... (more)

What are the responsibilities of the freight forwarders in an export transaction?
Freight forwarders are responsible for: Preparing the EEI (Electronic Export Information) recor... (more)

Can I compare American Community Survey (ACS) estimates to ACS data from other time periods? How about comp...
Generally, you can compare American Community Survey (ACS) estimates with data from Census 2000 or 2010 Census. If yo... (more)

Survey of Business Owners: I need detailed industry and geographic area data from the Economic Census ...
The most comprehensive and detailed industry and geographic area data come from the economic census every 5 years, for y... (more)

What is NAICS? How do I find a NAICS code?
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a method of grouping establishments into industries base... (more)

Is it accurate to think of the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates as an average for the ...
The ACS 5-year estimates are constructed as period estimate and reflect the average characteristics over the entire... (more)

Do I have to respond to the American Community Survey (ACS)?
Yes. Responding to the American Community Survey (ACS) is about helping national, tribal, state and local officials m... (more)

American FactFinder: How do I find Economic Program data for a specific geography?
In American FactFinder there are over 11 million geographies shared for the Demographic (Decennial Census, American C... (more)