Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee (TEITAC)
Meeting Summary

May 22-24, 2007
National Science Foundation
Arlington, VA

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Review and Modification to Agenda

Michael Paciello, Jim Tobias, Co-Chairs, TEITAC reviewed the draft agenda. Meeting minutes from the February 2007 meeting were reviewed and approved.  The co-chairs outlined the expectations for the meeting, which were that the full committee would hear subcommittee reports from all of the TEITAC subcommittees, with a view towards discussing the proposed recommendations of each subcommittee and seeing whether any consensus decisions could be made as to proposals made by each of the subcommittees during the course of this May meeting.  In addition, the committee will hear a presentation by the Editorial Working Group (EWG) which will propose a format for the final report.  The committee is expected to consider and adopt a proposed format for the final report.

At the outset of the meeting, it was discussed and understood that the preliminary agenda for this meeting, which consisted of each subcommittee being allotted 45 minutes to present their report over the first day and a half of the meeting, followed by time allotted for each subcommittee to have a face to face subcommittee meeting, could be modified, subject to the request of the subcommittee or the full committee.

A link to all Wiki articles referenced during the meeting is found here:  This includes all presentations given at the meeting.

Report and discussion of the Software, Web and Content Subcommittee

Andi Snow-Weaver, co-chair of the subcommittee lead off the meeting by going through the proposals submitted by the Software, Web subcommittee.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the Software subcommittee agreed to review certain items at the subcommittee level, then resubmit them to the full committee.  Not all of the subcommittee proposals were able to be heard during the time allotted, so Ms. Snow-Weaver asked to use the Software subcommittee meeting time on Wednesday, May 23rd, to continue presenting the rest of the subcommittee proposals.  This was agreed to.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Report and discussion of the General Interface Requirements and Functional Performance Criteria Subcommittee

Gregg Vanderheiden, co-chair of the subcommittee, presented the proposals of the General Interface subcommittee.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the General Interface subcommittee agreed to review certain items at the subcommittee level, then resubmit them to the full committee.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Report and discussion of the Desktops, Portables, Peripherals, and Other Computer Hardware [aka “Hardware”] Subcommittee

Rob Nerhood, co-chair of the subcommittee, presented the proposals of the Hardware subcommittee.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the subcommittee agreed to review certain items at the subcommittee level, then resubmit them to the full committee.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Public Comment Period
A public comment period was held at the conclusion of the morning’s session.  There was a break for lunch, and then the meeting resumed for the afternoon session.

Report and discussion of the Subpart A Subcommittee

Diane Golden, co-chair of the subcommittee, presented proposed definitions developed by the subcommittee.  During the course of discussion, the full committee identified several other words and phrases which needed to be defined and added to the work of the Subpart A subcommittee.  The subcommittee agreed to take all suggestions back to the subcommittee for discussion, then submit them to the full committee.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Report and discussion of the Documentation and Technical Support Subcommittee

Michele Budris, co-chair of the subcommittee, presented the proposals of the Documentation subcommittee.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the subcommittee agreed to review certain items at the subcommittee level, then resubmit them to the full committee.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Presentation and Proposal by the Editorial Working Group

The members of the Editorial Working Group (EWG) lead by Whitney Quesenbery gave a presentation on a proposed format for the final report of the TEITAC.  The report discussed a proposed format for the individual provisions in the report, how to write provisions so they were easy to understand, gave examples of provisions using the format, and contained lists of entries for the related information fields. After extensive discussion, the committee agreed by consensus to follow the recommendation of the EWG, as it pertained to the writing of provisions, and agrees to continue consideration of the suggested formats.  It was understood that the structure and organization of the provisions would be discussed separately and decided by the entire committee.  Further discussion was adjourned for the public comment period.  The full text of the materials submitted by the EWG can be found at:

Public Comment Period
A public comment period was held at the end of the day, and then the meeting was adjourned.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Report and discussion of the Telecommunications Subcommittee

Brenda Battat, co-chair of the subcommittee lead off the meeting by going through the proposals submitted by the Telecommunications subcommittee.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the Telecommunications subcommittee agreed to review certain items at the subcommittee level, then resubmit them to the full committee.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Report and discussion of the Audio/Visual Subcommittee

Larry Goldberg, co-chair of the subcommittee, presented the proposals of the Audio/Visual subcommittee.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the subcommittee agreed to review certain items at the subcommittee level, then resubmit them to the full committee.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Report and discussion of the Self Contained, Closed Products Subcommittee

Debbie Cook, co-chair of the subcommittee, presented the proposals of the Self Contained, Closed Products subcommittee.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the subcommittee agreed to review certain items at the subcommittee level, then resubmit them to the full committee.  The full text of the materials submitted by the subcommittee can be found at:

Public Comment Period
A public comment period was held at the conclusion of the morning’s session.  There was a break for lunch.  During the lunch break, Hajime Yamada gave a presentation on ICT accessibility standardization and its use in policy measures, and then the meeting resumed for the afternoon session. Professor Yamada’s paper may be found at:  His presentation is posted on the Access Board website in both Power Point and text formats.

Subcommittee Meeting 1: Telecommunications
Led by Brenda Battat subcommittee meeting commenced around 1:00 p.m. and ran until approximately 1:45 p.m.

Subcommittee Meeting 2: Audio/Video
Led by Larry Goldberg.  The subcommittee meeting commenced around 1:50 p.m. and ran until 2:35 p.m.

Subcommittee Meeting 3: Self Contained, Closed Products
Led by Debbie Cook. The subcommittee meeting commenced around 2:40 p.m. and ran until 3:20 p.m.

Report and Discussion: Software, Web, and Content

Andi Snow-Weaver continued presenting the rest of the subcommittee proposals.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the subcommittee agreed to review the proposals in the subcommittee.

Subcommittee Meeting 4: General Interface Requirements and Functional Performance Criteria Subcommittee
Led by Gregg Vanderheiden.  The subcommittee meeting commenced around 4:15 p.m. and ran until 5:00 p.m. 

Because the majority of the time on Wednesday afternoon was devoted to subcommittee meetings, which were open to all to make comments, no separate public comment session was scheduled for the afternoon.  At 5:00 p.m., all subcommittees meetings adjourned for the evening.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The meeting of the full committee was convened. The committee continued discussion on the proposal of the Editorial Working Group from May 22nd.

Report and Discussion: Subpart A

Diane Golden continued presenting the rest of the subcommittee proposals.  After extensive discussion and questions from the full committee, the subcommittee agreed to review the proposals in the subcommittee.

Public Comment Period
A public comment period was held.  Members of the public had an opportunity to ask questions or make comments.  The Committee then adjourned for lunch.

Subcommittee Meeting 5: Desktops, Portables, Peripherals, and Other Computer Hardware
Led by Rob Nerhood.  The subcommittee meeting commenced around 1:00 p.m. and ran until 1:45 p.m.

Subcommittee Meeting 6: Documentation and technical support.
Led by Michele Budris.  The subcommittee meeting ran for about 45 minutes.

The committee then resumed their discussion on the future work plan for the full TEITAC as outlined in the EWG proposal.  The committee discussed and agreed to adopt proposed dates for various stages of the work to be done by the subcommittees and the EWG before the July 2007 TEITAC meeting.  The schedule may be found here:

A public comment period was held. The fourth TEITAC meeting was then adjourned.