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Trade Information Center

Total votes: 17
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The Trade Information Center (TIC) provides export counseling to U.S. businesses and individuals by phone and via the Web. The TIC provides direct counseling to U.S. exporters and potential exporters. Also, the TIC is staffed by trade professionals with expertise in specific regions and industry sectors dedicated to working directly with U.S. companies to facilitate exports. A U.S. business may receive counseling on topics ranging from accessing foreign markets for the first time, expanding to new markets, expanding in current markets and resolving transactional problems. The TIC also: 1) Organizes and promotes trade events such as conferences, seminars, and webinars. 2) Develops information which is available on (i.e., duties, taxes, documentation, standards, customs procedures) and through publications. International Trade Specialists who staff the TIC have tradecraft and regional area of expertise that they apply in their work of counseling clients to be successful in their export transactions. Follow this link for contact information:


All U.S. businesses

Contact Information
Department of Commerce
Trade Information Center
International Trade Administration

(800) 872-8723


Elena Benjamin's picture

I am originally from Colombia and now I am proud to be an American Citizen. Actually, I am working with the Anne Arundel County Health Department. This year I started taking courses in the export/import business collecting all information and skills necessary to export technologies to Colombia. I have a Plan and now it is the right time!. I am very glad to find your site. I am positive that I can help with your purpose in Exporting form America!. Thank you for your help! I´am looking forward to further communication concerning your counceling assistance.

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