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U.S. Export Assistance Centers

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U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEACs) provide front-line outreach and service operations for U.S. exporters. There are International Trade specialists based in more than 100 USEACs located across the United States and Puerto Rico. The centers assist U.S. businesses that are new to exporting, want to expand to additional export markets, or want to increase their market share in existing markets. USEACs provide trade counseling and advocacy , market intelligence and business matchmaking for U.S. businesses . In addition, USEACs help U.S. exporters develop trade finance and insurance strategies that align with the clients particular business objectives and help them complete export transactions. USEACs also connect local U.S. companies with additional international trade resources. USEACs work closely with the Small Business Administration and the US Export Import Bank to counsel clients on export finance options. There are SBA officials in 20 USEACs, and Ex-Im Bank officials at six USEACs, working in tandem with our trade specialists. USEACs also organize, recruit and execute U.S. trade missions to foreign markets, and support reverse trade missions of foreign buyers to the United States. Follow this link for local contact information:


All U.S. businesses

Contact Information
Department of Commerce
Trade Information Center
International Trade Administration

(800) 872-8723

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