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Dean's Corner
Trainor_m.jpgHello from West Point!

Best wishes from West Point. Thanks for visiting our website - we hope you find the information provided useful. As the 13th Dean of the Academic Board, I'm honored and truly excited to have the opportunity to help move the academic program forward.

The entire faculty is working together to provide and teach a curriculum that is both relevant for our future Army leaders as well as nationally recognized for its excellence. As societies develop, economies rise and fall, wars are fought based on cultural differences, and as information technology evolves, leaders and stewards of the academic program must continue to refine the "what" and "how" we teach. Successful leaders must be agile thinkers able to make valid assumptions, synthesize a broad array of information, and draw meaningful conclusions. This is what the academic program is about, liberally educating each graduate in a morally and ethically sound environment so that they are problem solvers who can lead and shape future changes to the benefit of our Army and our country.

This is an exciting and demanding time. Our graduates are challenged everyday, whether training soldiers, conducting humanitarian relief, or fighting the Global War on Terror. We continue to seek the most qualified applicants as well as the best staff and faculty to successfully prepare our cadets for the challenges they will face in the future. I welcome your comments and news from the field. GO ARMY!

Timothy Trainor
Brigadier General, U.S. Army
Dean of the Academic Board