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What We're Watching: 10/19/12


At the end of each week, we post a "What We’re Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend.

A whole lot of shaking going on

No, the headline above isn’t referencing a big dance party…it’s talking about earthquake safety!  Yesterday, millions around the U.S. practiced earthquake safety as part of the Great ShakeOut drill.  Participants practiced how to “Drop. Cover. Hold On.” – the three simple steps to stay safe during an earthquake. Our own Administrator Craig Fugate participated in the drill (see photo below), and so did thousands of other organizations across the country.  Our blog has featured some great perspectives on earthquake safety over the past week leading up to the ShakeOut drill, so check out these posts in case you missed them:

Fire safety in for social media users

Earlier in October we observed Fire Prevention Week – with a focus on getting people to practice a home fire drill with their family.  For those that frequently use social media (or have children that do), this sign might be an appropriate reminder of the sequence of steps to follow if a fire should occur:

 In case of Fire, Exit Building Before Tweeting About It

Image courtesy of the Red Cross Chat blog.

Hurricane season down, but not out

As we approach the final days of October, the peak time for tropical storm and hurricane activity in the Atlantic is behind us.  However, last week’s Hurricane Rafael gave all of us a reminder that tropical systems can develop quickly even though the peak of the season has passed.  The Atlantic hurricane season lasts until November 30, so take time now to make sure your home, business, and family are prepared if you live in a coastal or inland area.  As we saw with Hurricane Isaac earlier this year, these storms often cause a significant amount of rainfall and flooding is typically their most dangerous and damaging effect. (or on your phone) is a great place to learn how to get prepared as we enter the “home stretch” of this year’s hurricane season.

New Features to Our Website

Since we launched our new website back in July, we’ve received user feedback from people all over the country. Well, we just made a series of improvements to the site, incorporating some of the responses and requests you shared with us.

We’ve launched a new search engine that’s better integrated with all the content that has to offer.  Search results are now much more accurate and include recommended pages, news releases, agency tweets and agency videos all on the main results page. You also now have the ability to filter your results by blog post, news, disaster declaration, documents, videos, photos, and images. 

We’ve also added the ability to view Disaster Declarations by state and by year.  A popular feature on the old website, users can now browse the declarations using a table format and easily see how many disaster declarations were issued by state or year and then filter by disaster type.

We appreciate all of the feedback we received and hope you all will find these new enhancements to be user friendly and beneficial when your browsing our site.

Let us know what you think of these new features by leaving a comment below.

Have a great weekend, and stay safe.

Practicing Safety and “Shaking Out”


shakeout drill

CAPTION: Administrator Craig Fugate (left) and Deputy Administrator Rich Serino practice "Drop. Cover. Hold On." as part of the Great ShakeOut earthquake drill held October 18.

Those of us in emergency management have a lot to say about getting prepared.  We urge folks to learn about the hazards in their area, get an emergency kit, and have a plan for what to do if a disaster should strike.  Despite those commonly-used messages, there’s one thing I wish we encouraged people to do more – practice.  Practicing your emergency plan makes you comfortable with it. And it also makes it much more likely that during an emergency, you will actually use the plan you drew up and practiced ahead of time. 

Practicing can have an impact on your own safety, too – which is why FEMA was encouraging participation in the Great ShakeOut earthquake drill that happened earlier today. Thousands of organizations and millions of people around the U.S. participated in the drill and practiced how to stay safe should an earthquake strike their community.  They put the three steps of “Drop. Cover. Hold On.” into action whether they were at their office, school, or home.  

Even if you missed the ShakeOut drill this morning, you can practice earthquake safety at any time.  It’s as easy as finding a table or desk where you can practice:

Practicing these steps is a great starter for getting better prepared.  Earthquakes occur all year long across our country – in a lot of places you wouldn’t expect. And whether your community is vulnerable to quakes, blizzards, hurricanes, floods, or wildfires, I challenge you to take simple actions and raise your practice to the next level:

  • Know the resources in your home – if a disaster struck tomorrow, would you have enough supplies, water, and food to sustain you and your family for at least 72 hours?  If you’re answer is “probably not” then has some great tips on building your family’s emergency kit with items already around your home.
  • Know the resources in your community – do you know the emergency management resources in your neighborhood or city?  Where is the nearest hospital?  Is there a safe room or shelter where you could go in the event of an emergency?  If your answers are “I’m not sure”, then check out this list of emergency management agencies and start learning about the key resources available in your neighborhood.
  • Know how you would stay in touch with family and friends – if the power was out and phone lines were unavailable, do you know how you would communicate with loved ones to let them know your status?  This is a vital part of any family emergency plan – you can download a template of a family plan at so you can answer “yes” to this question.

Finally, I’d like to give a big “thank you” to the schools, businesses, government agencies and families who participated in today’s Great ShakeOut drill.  I hope it got you thinking about how to stay safe should an earthquake strike.  Leave me a comment below and let me know how the ShakeOut drill went for you, or how you plan on participating next year!

Workplace Preparedness and The Great ShakeOut Tomorrow

On August 23, 2011 a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck Louisa County, Virginia; the shaking from this seismic event was felt as far north as New England and as far south as Georgia.  At the time of the initial tremor, I was at FEMA HQ on C Street in Washington, D.C - ironically discussing the latest plans for National Preparedness month with my team.  As the building shook more violently, I thought, I need to get out of here. I fought the impulse to run outside. I dropped, covered, and held on, waiting until the shaking stopped, grabbed my kit and evacuated.

As Director of FEMA’s Individual Community Preparedness Division, I had concerns about the safety of my staff located in our offices a mile away. Did they take the right protective action?  Was anyone hurt?  I immediately reached for my Blackberry to begin our emergency call down procedures.  Weak signal.  What now?  I sent a text message to my Deputy and awaited a response.

I tried to calm myself, having no doubts they knew exactly what to do.  However, it was my responsibility to try to ensure staff was safe. 

Only minutes later my Deputy responded that all my staff was safely gathered in our designated location. This was a reminder that practicing emergency plans really does save lives.  The next day I discussed the event with my team.  We told stories about where we were and what we did during the quake.  Some said it was a compelling experience to be on the other side of the whole ordeal. Many did the right thing during the shaking by dropping to the ground, getting underneath a sturdy object, and covering their head; others did not.

As a team, it allowed us to identify our safety gaps and the importance of practicing what we preach. Best of all, the discussions helped change a stressful situation into a learning experience.  The lesson we all learned is that both practicing and preparedness are needed to help build a more resilient nation.

Earthquakes occur without warning and you never know if the initial jolt is the start of a larger quake or even stronger aftershocks. You may only have seconds to react, which is why it’s important to know what to do when the shaking starts…and stops!

We can’t prevent earthquakes or other natural disasters from occurring, but we can take important steps to prepare for these events. We need to make sure if another quake were to strike, the response of those impacted would be timely and appropriate. Tomorrow, October 18, at 10:18 a.m. marks the Great ShakeOut earthquake drill and I encourage everyone to join. Participate with more than 14 million individuals, schools, businesses, government agencies, and other organizations across the United States who will be taking part in the event. This drill is designed to encourage individuals to get prepared in their community, increase awareness on what to do in a disaster, and promote evaluation of emergency plans. 

Take 90 seconds tomorrow to ensure if there is a future earthquake, you know the proper protective action to stay safe.

The drill consists of practicing these three simple steps:

  • DROP to the ground,
  • Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and
  • HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops.

If you haven’t already signed up, it is not too late! Register for the ShakeOut and participate tomorrow. Also, make sure you that you visit for important earthquake preparedness tips that can help protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of an earthquake.


Other ShakeOut blog posts

We Must Be Prepared. Even for Earthquakes.


We have hurricanes in North Carolina. We have tornados, floods, ice storms and an occasional four-inch snowfall that’ll have our streets closed for days and our Northern transplants aghast and confused by the empty bread and water shelves in grocery stores. But we don’t have earthquakes. That is to say, we didn’t have earthquakes until we actually did on August 23, 2011.

I was sitting at my desk on campus at North Carolina Central University working out latest training manual for MGT 405 Mobilizing Faith-based Communities in Preparing for Disaster, when my tin of mini Altoids jiggled and fell to the floor. It was an oddly familiar scene, I mean, I’d seen something like it a dozen times in the movies. The tea cup rattles. Books fall from the shelves. The ground opens up and waterlines burst in rooster-tails of mist spraying panicked drivers.

This wasn’t that kind of earthquake. The tea cup shook, but that was the extent of the damage; nevertheless, that barely-there earthquake provided me and my colleagues with one of the strangest and strangely horrifying sensations we’d ever experienced. It was certainly disconcerting in the moment to feel the building move beneath us, but perhaps even more so, because until that moment, an earthquake was simply as far off the radar as a meteor strike – it was simply unimaginable.

Our institute is in the business of helping first responders prepare for natural disasters and we often challenge participants in our courses to understand the risks to their communities and plan for them using an all-hazards approach. But it took an earthquake in Durham, North Carolina for us to truly have a sense of the spectrum of possibilities. There’s a dorm across from my office where 500 students live. It’s an old dorm. And there’s a facilities plant and chemistry labs where students and staff and faculty work with volatile chemicals and compounds just around the corner. We have an emergency plan, but like most universities and towns and cities and counties, is it enough?

NCCU will participate in the Great Southeast Shakeout on October 18th not only because we feel we need to be prepared in case another earthquake hits, but because if not an earthquake, there will be something else. In the months since the earthquake the university has developed a campus CERT team and engaged in all-campus emergency training. The Shakeout exercise will take place in our university’s emergency management courses for undergraduates, introducing them to concepts and best practices that will help make them our future leaders and our communities safer.

Finally, our institute continues to train emergency managers and faith-based community organization leaders through our MGT 405 course that is available through the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium.  In order to train the whole community, we must engage all sectors of the community in order to mobilize our citizens. Our whole community truly needs to be prepared for every possibility – even when, as we’d always thought of earthquakes, those possibilities seem impossible.


Other ShakeOut blog posts

ShakeOut and my school

Editor’s note: the following is posted by Gabriela Rodriguez, a member of FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council from Puerto Rico. She shares how her school is involved in the ShakeOut earthquake drill coming up Oct. 18, as well as the steps it has taken to prepare for earthquakes. Learn more about the ShakeOut drill at

There are many reasons why I decided to participate, along with my school, in the ShakeOut.  As the youth representative in my region, (FEMA Region II) I’m always seeking for new opportunities to advise friends and neighbors on emergency preparedness, and this seemed like an excellent way to do so. Through the ShakeOut, we can practice and verify our evacuation plans, and if we did not have one, the drill provides a reason to develop it.

Our REACT group has modified the existing plan at the school, along with the directors, as we had some challenges with the more distant areas or closed air conditioned rooms. We established a sequenced sound system with bells as part of the evacuation and we are completing the final details to have a good activity that may remain permanently in our school.

My school holds regular drills and constantly strives to be better prepared. That also encouraged me to register, because we always have the unconditional support of our directors.

Thank you,

Gabriela Rodríguez 

FEMA Region II Youth Preparedness Council representative


Other ShakeOut blog posts

Posted on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 13:53

North Carolinians Get Ready to Drop, Cover and Hold On


Many of us in North Carolina felt shaking last year after a 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck Mineral, Virginia.  We all learned that day that you don’t have to live on the West Coast to experience an earthquake.

It’s equally important for our part of the country to be prepared for earthquakes because it only takes one to cause serious, even catastrophic, damage.   That’s why Governor Bev Perdue recently proclaimed this Thursday, October 18, as Earthquake Preparedness Day, and North Carolinians will be among the nearly 1.5 million participating in the Great Southeast ShakeOut earthquake drill at 10:18 a.m. that morning. 

While the drill includes simple steps—drop, cover and hold on—they are critical during a real earthquake.  Even minor earthquakes can cause objects and debris to fall and these steps can help us avoid serious injuries. 

We also have to remember that we may not be anywhere close to home when an earthquake strikes.  Many of us travel to more earthquake prone areas while we’re vacationing, visiting friends and family, or taking business trips. Preparing for hazards that exist where you’re visiting is just as important as preparing for hazards that exist at home.

We can’t predict when the next earthquake will strike, but drills like the Great Southeast ShakeOut will help us get ready. We should all practice the steps now so we’ll know how to react if the ground starts shaking. Please join me and sign up to participate at


Other ShakeOut blog posts

“Go One Step Further” and the Great ShakeOut


Editor's Note: The views expressed by Bob Boyd do not necessarily represent the official views of the United States, the Department of Homeland Security, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA does not endorse any non-government organizations, entities, or services.

Agility, while obviously an organization focused on disaster preparedness and recovery, is also a collection of individuals who share a common desire to help.

We earn a living providing critical post disaster assistance to our members across the continent, but in addition, our leadership has answered a calling to offer assistance to people and organizations who are working to increase their own resilience through whatever means possible.  The Great Southeastern ShakeOut is an event we have adopted as not only a reason to practice a critical emergency plan, but we also hope to use this event as a reminder to “go one step further.”  Practicing the “Drop, Cover & Hold On” action is the first step, but then what happens after?  Surely communications, safe evacuation and treating the injured are all immediate concerns following an emergency like this.

Agility and the Small Business Administration have partnered to provide a free Earthquake Preparedness Checklist, available at  We encourage everyone to take some of the steps on this checklist and practice them as part of the ShakeOut event.  For example,

  • Updating phone lists and contact information for employees,
  • Testing an alert notification system,
  • Restocking supplies in the office first aid kit, and
  • Checking the status of fire extinguishers and ensuring employees know where they are located.

How Agility is “Shaking Out”

Agility sent emails to its customers in the Southeast inviting them to register for the Southeast ShakeOut, and offered the Earthquake Preparedness Checklists as a useful way to “go one step further.”

Additionally, Agility’s own offices and staff will be participating at 10:18 a.m., Oct. 18 by practicing the “Drop, Cover, Hold On” action, followed by a building evacuation drill.  Afterwards, Agility leadership will test our alert notification system and provide instructions to employees and stakeholders for what to do after the event.  Prior to the Oct. 18 event, our HR department will perform a full evaluation of the accuracy of critical contact information on file for employees.  They will send emails to all employees reminding them to involve their own families in the drill by reviewing family plans at home and checking emergency kit supplies or building a kit.

The ShakeOut events provide an excellent opportunity to build a culture of preparedness within any group or organization.  It only takes a few minutes to register and participate in the ShakeOut.  But we encourage everyone to take it one step further and incorporate other steps into your drill that can enhance your preparedness.


Other ShakeOut blog posts

What We're Watching: 10/12/12


At the end of each week, we post a "What We’re Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend.

Tropical Activity in Atlantic

We continue to monitor Tropical Storm Patty which has strengthened in the Atlantic east of the Bahamas. According to the National Weather Service, the storm is expected to be short-lived and weaken over the weekend. There are currently no watches or warnings in effect.

We are also continuing to monitor an area of interest over the Eastern Caribbean Sea about 100 miles west of Dominica. Currently, this storm has an 80% chance of becoming a tropical cyclone over the next 48 hours.

We will continue to monitor both storms and provide updates as needed. Visit for the latest advisories and updates on these storms.

Fire Prevention Week

As Fire Prevention Week comes to a close, we want to thank everyone who shared fire prevention and safety tips, information and resources with their family, friends, neighbors and community.  It’s important for everyone in your family to be prepared in the event of a fire.  

In case you missed it, here are some important steps you can take to make sure your home and family are ready for an emergency:

  • Prepare and practice your fire escape plan twice a year with everyone in your household, including children and people with disabilities.
  • Draw a map of each level of your home and show all doors and windows.
  • Find two ways to get out of each room. Make sure all doors and windows that lead outside open easily.
  • Only purchase collapsible escape ladders evaluated by a recognized testing laboratory. Use the ladder only in a real emergency.
  • Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot help them.
  • Have a plan for everyone in your home who has a disability.
  • Practice your fire escape plan at night and during the daytime.

Visit to learn more about preventing home fires and keep your family safe from a fire.

Are You Ready to “ShakeOut”

Next Thursday, October 18 at 10:18 a.m., join millions of people across the nation and Drop, Cover, and Hold On for The Great ShakeOut.  The Shakeout is the biggest earthquake drill in the U.S. and it’s a great way for your family or organization to practice what to do if an earthquake strikes. 

Already, there are over 12.9 million people registered to participate. So don’t miss this opportunity to make sure you and your family are prepared for an emergency.  We hope you’ll join us in this chance to “ShakeOut” for earthquake preparedness.

Visit to sign up to participate.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

South Carolina’s Faults due for a ShakeOut


The earthquake threat that exists in South Carolina typically doesn’t get much attention as say, a hurricane, a tornado or even an ice storm potential.  Many living in the Palmetto State aren’t aware that the epicenter of the largest earthquake ever recorded on the eastern seaboard was near Charleston, S.C. on August 31, 1886.  This magnitude 7.3 earthquake resulted in 60 deaths, 90 percent of all buildings in the Charleston area were destroyed and property damage was estimated at $5-$6 million in the period’s currency. 

The 1886 quake was felt over 2.5 million square miles from Chicago to Cuba.  The South Carolina Emergency Management Division estimates an earthquake of similar magnitude occurring today would result in hundreds of fatalities; the damage to infrastructure and the economy would be spread over many states for many years afterwards. 

It’s important for communities that may not be as susceptible to frequent earthquakes to be aware that it’s still a risk they should prepare for.  Even though South Carolina hasn’t experienced an earthquake of such severity since the 1886 Charleston event, we experience 10-30 measurable tremors a year, with 5-6 on average physically felt.  That’s why as part of the South Carolina’s annual Earthquake Awareness Week, more than 213,000 people from the state are participating in the Great Southeast ShakeOut.  For example, an elementary school will be visiting the South Carolina State Museum on Thursday, visiting an exhibit on the 1886 earthquake and also participating in the drill at 10:18 a.m. Additionally, South Carolina Emergency Management Division is holding an earthquake preparedness table top earthquake exercise with several county emergency management agencies near the South Carolina-Georgia border.

Planning for this drill has given state emergency management communities an opportunity to have a little fun while conducting a disaster preparedness campaign.  Through the development of Public Service Announcements, promoting social media pages, hosting chats and getting out in the communities, public information teams from the Nation’s Capital to Savannah and everywhere in between have been creative and enthusiastic about the Great Southeast ShakeOut- a testament to how dedicated our emergency management community is to making sure the people we serve have the information they need to make decisions about their personal safety. 

We’ve been able to discuss the differences between the Richter and Mercali scales, to explain why some companies don’t offer earthquake insurance and to encourage people to take this opportunity to understand the types of emergencies their communities are most vulnerable to and take steps to prepare for them; all through multiple platforms, traditional and new.  Plus, in states where college football reigns supreme, it’s been a friendly competition to see which state gets the most participants to practice “Drop, Cover and Hold On” at 10:18, on 10/18. I hope you’ll sign up to participate, too.

Editor's note: Derrec Becker is a Public Information Officer with the South Carolina Emergency Management Division and can be reached at and via social media @SCEMD.


Other ShakeOut blog posts

Fire Prevention Week – Remembering The Great Chicago Fire

Fire Prevention Week - October 7-13 - is a time to reflect on the bravery of our local firefighters who risk, and sometimes sacrifice, their lives to save others.  It is also a time to make sure you and your family have an emergency plan and know the steps to take if confronted by a fire or other emergency. 

Before joining the FEMA team, I was the Director of the state of Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Executive Director for the city of Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management.  I have seen first-hand the devastating effects of fires.  That is why FEMA Region V has joined with the city of Chicago Fire Commissioner, Jose Santiago, to provide some important information you need to know about fires. 

Today, there are drought conditions in many parts of the United States.  Chicago was also experiencing a similar situation during a very dry summer in 1871. The ground, wooden buildings and vegetation was extremely parched and left the city in a vulnerable state.  On October 8, 1871, a fire broke out in the barn area of Patrick and Catherine O’Leary’s home on the west side of the Chicago River.  The exact cause of the fire remains undetermined, but regardless of the cause, the fire continued to blaze for two-days devastating our great city.   Exhausted firefighters were assisted on October 10, when much needed rain helped to extinguish the fire.  

While the story of the Great Chicago Fire is one of the major events in our city’s history, fires are devastating events to individuals, families and businesses.  Today, most people have very busy lives, but sitting down with your family for 20 minutes to talk about your fire escape plan, like U.S. Fire Administrator Ernie Mitchell said last week, can have a dramatic impact on your family safely exiting your home during a fire.  As you discuss fire safety with your family, remember the different needs you may have. For example, do you have pets?  Are there people with disabilities in your home or business?  What is the best route for evacuation?  Fires can rage out of control and become deadly in seconds.  So planning now can save lives. And remember to practice your plan at least twice a year.

Take a moment to visit to learn more about how you can prevent fires and keep your family safe.


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