Giving Teachers Tools to Stop Bullying: Free Training Toolkit Now Available

Over the past three years, at our annual Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summits, we have heard the same call by educators-– teachers want to help stop bullying, but they don’t know how. Most try to help, but few receive training on how to do so. There are bullying prevention trainings available for teachers, but many are very expensive or not based on the best available research.

Save and Respectful LogoThat is why the Department of Education and its Safe and Supportive Technical Assistance Center, set out to create a free, state-of-the-art training for classroom teachers on bullying. The two-part training aims to help teachers know the best practices to stop bullying on the spot and how to stop it before it starts.  The training toolkit consists of PowerPoints, trainer guides, handouts, and feedback forms that school districts, schools, and teachers can use free of charge. Both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers gave feedback on the modules and made suggestions on what teachers would find most useful.

The research-based training gives teachers practical steps to take to respond to bullying. These skills include how to deescalate a situation, find out what happened, and support all of the students involved. The training also shows the importance of building strong relationships in the classroom, as well as creating an environment respectful of diversity, in order to prevent bullying.

The classroom teacher toolkit is based in part on a toolkit specific to bus drivers, released in June 2011. Many states and school districts have used that toolkit; it has been used to train over 100,000 of the nation’s estimated 550,000 school bus drivers in the past year. Trainees have reported feeling better equipped to address bullying on their school buses following the training.

We hope that the districts, schools, and teachers will use this toolkit as a resource. When more people know how to stop bullying, the more likely we will be to ensure that all students are able to learn in a safe and supportive school.

Deborah Temkin is a Research and Policy Coordinator for Bullying Prevention Initiatives at the Department of Education

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6 Responses to Giving Teachers Tools to Stop Bullying: Free Training Toolkit Now Available

  1. Yaya says:

    What about giving teachers tools in how to stop being bully by Principal?

    • Bevvie says:

      I agree. We are focused on the youngsters but some of us have Principals who are bullies who walk around trying to intimidate the staff into doing what they want, not what is necessarily the right thing to do. We need to recognize that there are adults who bully and who get away with it because like the students you are powerless because you don’t want to lose your job or be told that you are insubordinate.

  2. Gloria says:

    I am happy to see there are tools to assist staff with the bullying at this site, my 10 year started a new school and the third day of school she had an incident where bullying was going on. I am talking with the principal this afternoon and I will let her know about this because at times staff may not always update the materials they have for issues, until something happens.

  3. United Way of the National Capital Area says:

    This is a great way to allow for teachers to receive proper training and also provide methods they can directly use within their classroom. We hope this training can help stop bullying!

  4. Juniper says:

    It is important to realize that adults bring prejudices into the workplace; even schools, that affect the outcome of others development. For example, feminism; passive and aggressive, has an negative effect on the social, emotional and academic development of boys. When exercised in home,schools and communities it is a form of bullying.

    • Candida says:

      Ditto, Juniper!. Thank you for these truthful ideas. Also, staff members bullying other staff members in front of the students (or not) destroys our efforts to achieve ‘no-bullying goals’ in the classroom. I am excited about this offer. This toolkit is a great resource for teachers. I am ordering my free training and I will implement it to help my students understand the no-bullying concept; knowing, however, that a display of adult bullying is learned faster even though it is the opposite of what we teach in the classroom. Displaying NO BULLYING ZONE posters all over the school building, countless PD sessions on bullying, lectures and activities to prevent bullying, etc. are of practically no use until adults start modeling what the behaviors they are expecting from students look like, sound like, and feel like. Many students know not to bully, but they can’t help imitating what they see their “role models” do. Adult bullying must STOP!

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