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Spotlight on Preeclampsia Research at the NICHD
Preeclampsia Research at the NICHD
Preeclampsia, characterized by a sudden spike in blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy, can affect the health of both mother and baby. Finding ways to detect, treat, and prevent preeclampsia and its negative health outcomes are priorities for the NICHD. This spotlight describes some of the Institute's current research activities and findings related to preeclampsia.   Read more about NICHD preeclampsia research.

Spotlight on NICHD and Its Collaborators Launch Expanded Infant Mortality Awareness Campaign
NICHD and Its Collaborators Launch Expanded Infant Mortality Awareness Campaign
The NICHD and its collaborators launched the Safe to Sleep campaign to inform parents and caregivers about ways to reduce the risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death. Safe to Sleep builds on the successes of the Back to Sleep campaign, which began in 1994, and includes messages about safe sleep environment, breastfeeding, and infant health.   Read more about the new Safe to Sleep Campaign.

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