The First Lady Shares her Message of Thanks to the Troops and their Families


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Uploaded by on Sep 9, 2010

First Lady Michelle Obama shares her Message of Thanks to the Troops and their Families. Submit your message of thanks as a video response, and see if your message is featured on


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    The 44th President of the United States of America “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA” The greatest black man… that ever lived!


    VOTE OBAMA 2012

    REV. 16:16

    There will be “nowhere to hide” once Israel is attacked! God’s… promise to man! The battle… begins. OBAMA, was born for this very day! The “Son Of Man” is coming home to where it begun, JERUSALEM.


    VOTE OBAMA 2012

  • How come when someone makes a mistake, it gets blamed on their skin color?

    Skin color is about sunshine. That's it.


    Dear soldiers, brave and noble, offering your lives

    to serve our country far away from husbands, parents, wives

    and children who are yet to know the price of liberty.

    When Mom and Dad are far from home, they're never really free.

  • Liberty we'll keep for you in the homeland you preserve,

    the safety, peace, and right to speak our honest, open words.

    Be safe, dear soldiers, brave and noble, keep your spirits bright.

    And thank you for your priceless gifts, your brave and noble fight.

  • Well old ass kisser, I am truly black. However, unlike you, I do not believe the self serving BS that flows out of the mouths of corrupt politicians, or their evil minions. I can think for myself.

    There is truly something wrong with you, as you advocate the mass murder on non Muslims, as well as the abuse and murder of Eve Carson. How many victims have you abused?

    I was wondering, how is that man love thing you have for Obogo working out for you? Is Michelle jealous?


  • I dont believe you are actually black! A true person of colour would never talk like you do!!!! You are a white person, sitting behind your computer, having the agenda of making the black man look bad!!!! If you are black, and do not stand behind our President, and First Lady, then there is truely something wrong with you!!!!

  • You're a DUMBASS!

  • Well, if you lived in Chicago, you would have already heard of her!! Her work in communities here have been going on for years!! She has been in many magazines, newspapers, in, and around Chicago!! My wife has and uses some of her "Health for Today" recipes!! She wasnt that well know on the national level until she became our First Lady. Now, she shines like the brightest star!!!! She used to have a monthy garden segment in our local utilities magazine!! She is one special lady!!

  • Do you also believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus? What a great actress she is. She could care less about our fine men and women serving in the armed forces. To politicans, these people are nothing more than cannon fodder and bullet foil.

    They tell the ignorant/gullible, who you are a prime example, exactly what they want to hear. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, are you out of your mind old codger? I would hate to see what you call ugly.

  • You are a beautiful lady and we will do what we can to support our troops and families... Thank you for what you do.. We appreciate you as our first lady.

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