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Office Hours With Brian Deese 7/29/11

Brian Deese, Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, responds to your questions on the ongoing deficit debate in another session of White House office hours.

  1. whitehouse
    It's Brian, I am here now. Ready for your questions. #WHChat
  2. whitehouse
    Looking forward to a broad range of ?'s in this #WHChat, so I hope we hear from #p2 & #tcot perspectives abt #debt & #compromise
  3. JP_McGrath
    What is projected to happen to the stock market if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling by the deadline? #WHChat
  4. whitehouse
    .@JP_McGrath don't want to predict market precisely, but impact on interest rates, confidence, econ activity will all be very bad #WHChat
  5. GeoffBurr
    All these years...never knew the White House was named "Brian" RT @whitehouse It's Brian, I am here now. Ready for your questions. #WHChat
  6. whitehouse
    .@GeoffBurr sorry if that was confusing - Brian Deese here, answering questions as part of White House office hours... #WHChat
  7. spreaditaround
    @whitehouse Why don't we hear about cutting overhead in Washington (govt salaries, needless govt spending, etc.) in these talks? #WHChat
  8. whitehouse
    .@spreaditaround Made tough decisions already ie freezing federal pay; can do more eg selling surplus property, contracting reform #WHChat
  9. Tremenda1530
    #WHChat if market goes down, what about #401Ks of so many who have little or no savings Question from Mr. Jay in McAllen
  10. whitehouse
    .@Tremenda1530 recent economic crisis devastated 401k savings; just digging out now. Can't afford more uncertainty; need #compromise #WHCHat
  11. I_Hate_Hippies
    .@whitehouse Where is Obama's debt plan? Where is Reid's plan? Why have Ryan's and Boehner's plans been shot down without votes? #WHChat
  12. whitehouse
    .@I_Hate_Hippies For POTUS plan see: For specific details on Reid and Boehner, see: #WHChat
  13. hilaryrwilson
    @whitehouse I expect everyone will working all hours through the weekend to get this resolved by Tuesday, correct? #whchat
  14. whitehouse
    .@hilaryrwilson POTUS this AM said he'd be working through the wkd; we all will be 2. Gotta get it done, country cant afford not to #WHChat
  15. lisalindo
    @Whitehouse #WHchat Dear Brian - is it true FAA funding has been blocked? Are they still watching the skies?
  16. whitehouse
    .@lisalindo emergency air traffic ctrl in place, but bc congress hasn't acted, 4k workers furloughed & 10ks construct. #jobs halted #WHChat
  17. allencw
    @whitehouse Why do people keep asking where Obama's plan is? I've seen you post it at least three times in the last 2 days. #WHChat #sigh
  18. whitehouse
    .@allencw I'm sighing with you, man. You can disagree with it, but it's there (for a 4th time): #WHChat
  19. whitehouse
    Pic: Brian Deese from NEC is back answering Qs on the #debt debate for WH Office Hours. Use #whchat to join the Q&A.
  20. TwtrWoodman
    @Whitehouse Did Bush tax cuts lead to sig. job gains? If not, why is GOP so unwilling to #compromise on this issue? #WHchat
  21. whitehouse
    .@TwtrWoodman under Clinton-era tax rates, saw 23+m #jobs and rising incomes; post-Bush tax cuts, saw weak period of job growth #WHChat
  22. BrianSHand
    #WHchat Could you tell us how increasing taxes on those who already pay the most is fair?
  23. whitehouse
    .@BrianSHand What POTUS wants = return high-income tax rates to Clinton-era levels, when wealthiest & middle class did quite well #WHChat
  24. MarcosBullock
    @whitehouse Whys Pres threatening budget cuts everywhere but military presence in foreign continents? Wars worth tanking US economy? #WHchat
  25. whitehouse
    .@MarcosBullock POTUS thinks we need more tightening in all areas of the budget - that has to include defense as well #WHChat

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