Read all posts tagged Family

  • Helping Children Become Part of Something Greater

    There are 25 million children in America who don't live with their fathers, and a good number of those rarely or never see their dads. Just a quick look at the research will show you that fatherlessness comes with tragic, negative consequences for children and for our society. Casey Carey has made it his goal to make sure every child grows up with a father figure.

  • The Power and Importance of a Father

    From her mother, Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner learned that she was valued, loved, and could be anything she wanted to be even though they were very poor. Her incredible mother became everything important to her world except the one thing she could never be: the father she never had.

  • Got Women?

    Women In Fatherhood, Inc. (WIFI) is a social justice organization working to break down structural and relational barriers preventing fathers and men from positively contributing to families and communities.Our goal is to engage more women and women’s groups around issues facing low-income men and fathers. To that end, Women In Fatherhood aims to serve as a bridge between policies, programs, and ideologies that have often appeared to be at odds.

  • Let Your Heart Guide Your Service

    After leaving her job as a chemical engineer, Michelle Foster jumped straight into her passion of empowering people. Now her organization, Kanawha Institute for Social Research and Action, employs over 70 people and works to empower thousands of West Virginians a year.

  • Working with the Strength of Fathers to Build Stronger Kids

    J. Michael Hall leads the Strong Fathers - Strong Families iniative in hopes of letting men know what makes a father strong but we leaving it to them to realize where they have strengths and weaknesses. By focusing on what fathers do well and giving them the opportunity to do some of those things with their children, Strong Fathers - Strong Families moves men from dwelling on their deficits to living in their strengths.

  • Vice President Discusses College Affordability with College and University Officials

    Ten colleges and universities have committed that they will provide students with key information they need to make smart choices regarding where to go to school and how to pay for their degree

  • Congress Says No to Equal Pay

    President Obama vows that his Administration will continue to fight for a woman’s right for equal pay for equal work, so that hard work pays off, responsibility is rewarded, and every American gets a fair shot to succeed.

  • Join Us for an Online Women’s Health Town Hall

    The event will be an interactive, open dialogue about how the health care law, the Affordable Care Act, is improving the health of women and their families

  • Everyone Can Find a Way to Honor our Service Members

    This Memorial Day, we must remember that these heroes are found in every corner of our country, from big cities to rural areas, from base communities to small towns. But no matter where they are assigned or what their duties are, when our service members are called to serve, so too are their families

  • Joining Forces to Say "Happy Mother's Day!"

    We invited three generations of military families to celebrate Mother's Day at the White House, and some of our youngest guests told us why their moms are so special