Advanced Z39.50 Search (Left-anchored) of Handbook of Latin American Studies

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Enter Search Term(s):

Check Search Type to be Executed
TITLE -- enter as much or as little of the title as you want (beginning with the first significant word).
AUTHOR -- enter last name first (e.g., Kahlo, Frida) or name of an organization (beginning with the first word).
SUBJECT -- enter as much or as little of the subject as you want.
HLAS SUBJECT -- begin with the first significant word.
SUBJECT (Personal Name) -- enter last name first (e.g., Rivera, Diego).
KEY TITLE -- enter unique serial title (beginning with the first significant word).
LC CALL NUMBER -- Library of Congress Call Number.
HLAS Bibliography Identifier -- Field carrying volume number, editor, etc.
ISBN -- International Standard Book Number (omit hyphens).
ISSN -- International Standard Serial Number (include hyphen).
LCCN -- HLAS Control Number (omit hyphen).

Use of this form results in a search of the Handbook of Latin American Studies Voyager Database (over 150,000 records). HLAS is a selective, annotated bibliography of scholarly works on Latin America. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, the multidisciplinary Handbook alternates annually between the social sciences and the humanities. Works reviewed include books, journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, and Web sites. Only HLAS Volume 50 and onward (reviews of works published after 1980) can be searched using this form.
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