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                                  COMPILED BY
                                SARA J. STRINER

                              LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

                                 February 1995


1.  United Nations Structure
2.  Intergovernmental Organizations Related to the U.N. by Agreement     
3.  Types of United Nations Publications in General 
4.  Treatment of U.N. Publications at the Library of Congress
5.  Separately Cataloged U.N. Books and Serials
6.  United Nations Documents
7.  United Nations Official Records
8.  United Nations Sales Publications
9.  Locations of U.N. Publications at the Library of Congress
10. Indexes and Guides    
11. United Nations Resolutions at the Library of Congress
12. United Nations Treaties    
13. International Court of Justice


Major Organs of the United Nations:

General Assembly
      Membership: All who belong to the U.N.
      Sessions:  Regular (one per year, beginning third Tuesday in September);
      Special; Emergency Special

Security Council
      Membership: 15
      5 permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, U.K., U.S. 
      10 members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly. 
      Sessions:  Called as needed; functions continuously.

Economic and Social Council
      Membership:  54
      Members serve three-year terms of office.  
      18 new members are elected each year by the General Assembly.         
      Sessions:  Two per year (one in New York and one in Geneva),
      plus an organizational meeting.  Special sessions may be called.

      Five regional economic commissions are subsidiary to the Economic and
      Social Council:  Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Economic and
      Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Economic Commission
      for Europe (ECE), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
      (ECLAC), and Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

Trusteeship Council
      Membership: Number not fixed.  Charter provides for equal number of
      members from countries administering and not administering trust
      territories.  Currently there are just five members: the five permanent
      members of the Security Council.
      Sessions:  Annual; Special

      Services the other organs of the U.N.
      Headed by the Secretary General.
      Staffed by an international civil service.

International Court of Justice
      Headquarters:  The Hague
      Judges: 15, elected for nine-year terms by the General Assembly and the
      Security Council voting independently.  Judges may be re-elected.
      No two members may be nationals of the same state.


      The following organizations are autonomous, related to the U.N. by
      special agreements.  It is necessary to consult their own indexes and
      catalogs for their documents and/or publications.  (Up to l962, the
      United Nations Documents Index indexed some of the publications of these
      bodies. However, these publications are not part of the United Nations
      document collection.)

A.    Specialized Agencies (16):
      Report annually to the Economic and Social Council, through which their
      work with the U.N. and each other is coordinated.

Name                                        Acronym         Headquarters

International Labor Organization            ILO             Geneva
Food and Agriculture Organization
   of the United Nations                    FAO             Rome
United Nations Educational,
   Scientific and Cultural
   Organization                             UNESCO          Paris
World Health Organization                   WHO             Geneva
World Bank                                   
   International Bank for
   Reconstruction and                       World Bank      Washington,  D.C.
   Development                              IBRD            Washington,  D.C.
   International Development
   Association                              IDA             Washington,  D.C.
   International Finance
   Corporation                              IFC             Washington,  D.C.
International Civil Aviation
   Organization                             ICAO            Montreal
International Monetary Fund                 IMF             Washington,  D.C.
Universal Postal Union                      UPU             Berne
World Meteorological Organization           WMO             Geneva
International Telecommunication
   Union                                    ITU             Geneva
International Maritime
   Organization                             IMO             London
World Intellectual Property
   Organization                             WIPO            Geneva
International Fund for
   Agricultural Development                 IFAD            Rome
United Nations Industrial
   Development Organization                 UNIDO           Vienna

B.    Other Independent Agencies
Name                                        Acronym         Headquarters
International Atomic Energy Agency
  (Reports annually to General              IAEA            Vienna
  Assembly, and as appropriate to           
  Security Council and Economic
  and Social Council)

General Agreement on Tariffs
   and Trade (1947-1994)                    GATT            Geneva
   (GATT administrative bodies 
   replaced by World Trade Oz.,
   beginning 1995)


      1.     Documents - Are produced by all of the organizational units of the
             U.N. in carrying out their work.  They bear document symbols.

      2.     Official Records - Are produced by the major U.N. bodies that hold
             meetings.  They comprise the "official record" of the work         
             conducted during a year or session, and include major documents    
             from the session.  They have Official Record designators.

      3.     Sales publications - Are publications sold by the United Nations   
             sales offices.  They bear sales numbers.  


      1.      Part of the document series.

      2.      Part of an Official Record series.

      3.      Separately cataloged books and serials.


Any substantial U.N. book or serial may be separately cataloged, whether it has
a document symbol or not.  Cataloged books and serials may be found like any 
other monograph or serial, using the Library's online LOCIS system (LCCC, SERL,
MUMS, PREM). For pre-1981 materials, the printed card catalogs may also be
consulted.  These U.N. books and serials should be requested in one of the 
Library's general or special reading rooms, depending on call number and 

Subseries: Some serials and books have their own cataloging records, but the
call number places them in the document set.   An entry for a publication of
this nature gives as the call number JX1977.A2 (subseries).  JX1977.A2 is the
call number for the paper document set, kept until the early 1970's. The
"subseries" is the document number, and we need this to retrieve it.  The
document number may be in the online record, or it may be found in one of
the U.N. document indexes.  All such works should be requested in the Newspaper
and Current Periodical Room, which has custody of the U.N. document set.


A.  Definition:  Documents are the material produced by the United Nations in
carrying out its work.  A great number of the documents produced in the course
of meetings are meant to be temporary in nature and go out of print quickly. 
Other publications issued with document numbers, such as indexes,
bibliographies, and statistical publications, are finished products of a
permanent nature.

Document number: Each document has a document symbol in the upper right hand
corner of the title page or on the verso of the title page.  If issued jointly
by two bodies, the document may have two numbers, one in the sequence of
documents issued by each body.  If reprinted as an Official Record,  the
document keeps the document number.

Shelving and retrieval: The Library keeps older documents on microfiche. 
Documents from the past six months to one year are in paper.  Documents,
whether in paper or microform, are arranged in document number order.  We need
a document number to retrieve them.

Construction of document symbols: Document numbers are formed of capital
letters and numbers separated by forward slashes. (In a few cases, they may
include Roman numerals, which usually represent the number of a session or the
number of a subsidiary organ like a working group).  The first letter of the
document number identifies the major organizational unit which produced it.

      Examples:  A/34/100      E/1980/2      S/12400

B.  Following are the major parts of the document symbols:

Leading elements:
     Basic elements of the five principal U.N. bodies:

      A/-          General Assembly
      E/-          Economic and Social Council
      S/-          Security Council
      T/-          Trusteeship Council
      ST/-         Secretariat

      Some bodies have special leading elements.  For example:

      ACC          Administrative Committee on Coordination
      CCPR         International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
      CERD         International Convention on the Elimination of all
                   Forms of Racial Discrimination
      DP           United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
      TD           United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      UNEP         United Nations Environment Programme

Elements denoting subsidiary organs:

      Symbols of documents from committees, commissions, and other subsidiary
bodies of the five major organs usually have an element identifying the 
subsidiary body after the symbol of the parent body, as follows:

      --/AC.#/     Ad hoc committee
      --/C.#/      Standing, permanent, or sessional committee
      --/CN.#/     Commission
      --/CONF.#/   Conference
      --/GC/       Governing Council
      --/PC/       Preparatory Committee
      --/SC.#/     Subcommittee
      --/SUB.#     Subcommission
      --/WG.#/     Working Group
      --/WP.#/     Working Party

      The subsidiary bodies are usually numbered in the order in which they
      were established. (e.g. A/C.l/-- (first committee of the General
      Assembly); A/CN.11/-- (eleventh Commission formed by the General
      Assembly); E/CONF.72/-- (seventy-second conference sponsored by the
      Economic and Social Council).

      Some subsidiary bodies may be identified by an acronym after the letter
      of the parent body.  Examples:

      E/ECE/--           Economic and Social Council.  Economic Commission for
      E/INCB/--          Economic and Social Council.  International Narcotics
                         Control Board.

Elements showing nature of document:

     The type of document may be indicated by a symbol before the sequential
document number. 

     --/DEC/          Decision
     --/CRP.          Conference room paper
     --/INF/          Information series
     --/MIN.          Minutes
     --/NGO/          Communication from non-governmental organizations
     --/PET/          Petitions (Trusteeship Council)
     --/PV.           Verbatim record of meeting (proces-verbaux)
     --/RES/          Text of adopted resolutions
     --/RT/           Record of testimony
     --/SR.           Summary record of meeting
     --/WP.           Working  paper

Symbol elements identifying modification of text:

  Other symbols show that the original document has been changed.

      --/Add.           Addendum
      --/Amend.          Amendment
      --/Corr.           Corrigendum
      --/Excerpt         Reissue of an excerpt of a document
      --/Rev.            Revision
      --/Summary         Summary

Symbol elements identifying distribution category:
   These letters, immediately before the last numeral, indicate how
widely the documents were distributed.

       --/L.       Limited         These are primarily for distribution at
                                   headquarters or at meetings and are not
                                   felt to be of general or permanent
                                   interest.  For example, they include draft   
                                   texts. They are not generally distributed to 
                                   depository libraries in paper, although the  
                                   Library of Congress gets a few.  However,    
                                   many are included in the microfiche set of   

       --/R.       Restricted      These are confidential when issued
                                   and are not distributed.
Symbol elements denoting session or year:

      General Assembly:
             Since 1976 (31st session), the second major element of a General
             Assembly document number has indicated the session.  Individual
             documents are then numbered chronologically within the session. 
             Prior to 1976, documents were numbered continuously from the first
             Examples:   A/session/sequential number
                         A/31/50     A/34/100    A/35/PV.38

                         A/subbody/session/sequential number

                         A/resolution/session/sequential number

             Since 1978 (8th special session), a General Assembly special
             session document number has included an "S" and the number of the
             special session.  Since 1980, emergency special session document
             numbers include "ES" and emergency special session number.
             Examples:     A/S-8/5    A/S-10/2     A/ES-6/1

      Economic and Social Council:
             Since 1978, the second major element of an Economic and Social
             Council document number indicates the year of a meeting, followed
             by a sequential number for the year.
             Examples:   E/year/sequential number

      Security Council:
             Since 1994, the second major element of a Security Council document
             indicates the year.
             Example:    S/1994/308

      Sequential number:
             The last part of a document symbol is a sequential number uniquely
             identifying a particular document.

C.  Examples of document symbols:
      A/34/355                  General Assembly, 34th session, 355th general   
                                document issued in the session
      A/C.3/35/L.14             General Assembly, Committee 3, 35th session, 
                                14th limited document issued in the session
      A/RES/34/102              General Assembly, 34th session, 102nd resolution 
      E/1980/SR.34              Economic and Social Council, a 1980 session,    
                                 summary record of the 34th meeting
      E/ICEF/669                Economic and Social Council, United Nations
                                Children's Fund (ICEF), 669th document
      S/13862                   Security Council. 13,862th plenary document
                                issued.  Until 1994, Security Council documents
                                were numbered continuously from the first year.
      S/1994/300                Security Council, 1994, 300th document
      S/PV.2224                 Security Council, Verbatim record (proces
                                verbaux) of the 2224th plenary meeting 
      T/PET.10/151              Trusteeship Council.Petition concerning Pacific 
                                Islands, U.S. administration (PET.10), No. 151

D.  Reference Lists of Document Symbols:

      See section of this guide called "Indexes and Guides" for full
      bibliographic descriptions and call numbers.

      United Nations Document Series Symbols, 1946-1977. 
      United Nations Document Series Symbols, 1978-1984.
        (Lists of U.N. document symbols and what they stand for.  A subject
        index indicates which U.N. bodies deal with given subject areas.)
      UNDOC:  Current Index:  United Nations Document Index.  "New Document 
      Series Symbols" section.  (New symbols and what they stand for.)          

E.  Sources of citations to particular documents:

      Index to United Nations Documents and Publications (on CD-ROM).
      U.N. document indexes for the various years: UNDOC, UNDEX, UNDI.
      Indexes to Proceedings for some U.N. bodies.
      United Nations Yearbook.
      U.N. Chronicle.
      Bibliographic records in card catalog or on-line.


The four major organs of the United Nations which hold meetings (General
Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Security Council, and Trusteeship
Council) issue official records.  The official records are the permanent, final
record of the session or year of meetings.  They may be thought of as similar
in function to the U.S. House and Senate Journals and Serial Set.  In addition
to the four major organs mentioned above, certain other U.N. bodies produce
official records of their meetings.  The Trade and Development Board of the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development issues official records, and
the Yearbook of the International Law Commission constitutes its official
record.  Various conferences, such as those on the Law of the Sea, also issue
official records.

A.  Official records of most bodies consist of:
    1.    Meeting records
          a. Verbatim records of the meetings (PV=proces verbaux) or
          b. Summary records of the meetings (SR)

    2.    Major documents.  Documents that were particularly important
          to the various meetings.  The documents were originally
          issued in the document series.  

     3.   Supplements.  Supplements contain the principal reports
          prepared for the session.  They are primarily annual reports
          submitted by the various subsidiary bodies that report to the
          parent body in question.  Supplements may also contain
          budgets or financial reports.  One supplement contains a
          compilation of all of the resolutions and decisions adopted
          during the session or year.

B.  Library of Congress entries for the Official Records of the four major United
Nations bodies, call numbers, and a listing of contents follow:

      1.     United Nations.  General Assembly.  Official Records.  
             Verbatim records of plenary meetings
             Verbatim records of meetings of First Committee
             Summary records of meetings of other main committees
             Annexes (major documents)
             Supplements (Resolutions issued as last supplement)
             (Note: Document numbers 1-50 are also supplements 1-50.
             For example, A/36/2 is also U.N. General Assembly
             Official Record Supplement no. 2, 36th session.)
             List of delegations
             Checklist of documents
      2.     United Nations.  Economic and Social Council. Official Records.    
             Through 1973:
             Summary records of meetings
             From 1974:
             Sessional checklist with lists of delegates 
             Sessional volumes with plenary meeting records, agenda,
             and checklist of documents
             Supplements (Resolutions and decisions issued as
             Supplement 1)

      3.     United Nations.  Security Council.  Official Records.
             Verbatim records of meetings
             Supplements (containing selected documents, reports,
             communications), currently issued quarterly. 
             Special Supplements (individual reports)
             Resolutions and Decisions

      4.     United Nations.  Trusteeship Council.  Official Records.
             Verbatim records of meetings
             Sessional fascicles containing selected documents
             Supplements (Resolutions and Decisions in Supplement 1)
             Special Supplements

Other Library of Congress entries:

      1.     United Nations.  Conference on Trade and Develpment.  Trade and
             Development Board.  Official Records.
             JX1977.A2 subseries. 
             Summary records of meetings
             Supplements (Resolutions and decisions in Supplement 1)

      2.     United Nations.  International Law Commission.  Yearbook.  
             Vol. 1: Summary records of meetings
             Vol. 2: Documents pertaining to the meetings

C.  Reference lists of official records:

See section of this guide called "Indexes and Guides" for full bibliographic
descriptions and call numbers.

United Nations.  Office of Conference Services.  United Nations Official
Records 1946-1962.  
United Nations.  Official Records, 1962-1981.  
United Nations.  Official Records, 1981-1984. 

E.  Sources of individual Official Record citations:

Index to United Nations Documents and Publications (on CD-ROM)
U.N. document indexes for the various years: UNDOC, UNDEX, UNDI.
Indexes to Proceedings for some U.N. bodies.
United Nations Yearbook.


A.  Definitions: Most publications which are sold by the United Nations have a
sales number, usually printed on the back of the title page.  The sales number
is used in ordering publications from one of the U.N. sales offices.  A
publication may have both a sales number and a document number, since they are
used for different purposes.

At the Library of Congress, we do not use sales numbers for shelving and
retrieval.  However, sales numbers are sometimes included in bibliographic
citations.  If only a sales number is available, a U.N. index should be
consulted to find the document number.  Some sales publications are not issued
as documents and will therefore not be included in the U.N. document set.  In
this case, the Library of Congress online catalogs should be consulted to
determine whether the Library owns the work and, if so, to find a Library of
Congress call number.   

B.  Structure: Sales numbers are composed of capital letters and Roman and Arabic
numbers separated by periods.  They indicate language and year of issue,
subject category, and unique publication number. 

E.83.IX.5   Publication in English, published in 1983, subject                  
            category IX (Disarmament and Atomic Energy), number 5.     
E.81.I.11   Publication in English, published in 1981, subject                  
            category I (General Information and Reference), number 11.   

C.  United  Nations Sales Subject Categories:   

0            ACCIS, UNIDIR and Miscellaneous Publications
I            General Information and Reference
II.A         Business, Economics, Science and Technology
II.B         Economic Development 
II.C         World Economy
II.D         Trade, Finance and Commerce
II.E         European Economy
II.F         Asian Economy
II.G         Latin American Economy
II.H         Public Administration
II.K         African Economy
II.L         Western Asian Economy
III.A        United Nations University (UNU) Publications
III.B        UNDP Publications
III.C        INSTRAW Publications
III.D        UNEP Publications
III.E        UNIDO Publications
III.H        UNFPA Publications
III.K        UNITAR Publications
III.N        UNSDRI Publications
IV           Social Questions
V            International Law
VIII         Transport and Communications
IX           Disarmament and Atomic Energy
X            International Administration
XI           Narcotic Drugs
XIII         Demography
XIV          Human Rights
XVI          Public Finance and Fiscal Questions
XVII         International Statistics
XX           UNICEF Publications 
XXV          United Nations Postal Administration

D.  Reference Lists of Sales Publications:

See section of this guide called "Indexes and Guides" for full bibliographic
descriptions and call numbers.

Birchfield, Mary Eva.  The Complete Guide to the United Nations Sales
Publications, 1946-1976.
United Nations.  Office of Conference Services.  United Nations Publications,
United Nations.  Dag Hammarskjold Library.  United Nations Sales Publications,
United Nations Publications Catalogue.  (annual)
UNDOC: Current Index. United Nations Document Index.  Sales publication

E.  Purchase:

Orders for sales publications may be sent to:
United Nations Publications               
2 United Nations Plaza                     
Room DC2-853, Dept. 007C                                                    
New York, New York 10017             
Tel: (212) 963-8302/(800) 253-9646       
Fax: (212) 963-3489,  OR

Publications des Nations Unies
Palais des Nations
CH1211, Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: 41 (22) 917-0027


A.  Documents in the document set:

All United Nations documents (in the numbered document series), 1945/46
to date, are kept in closed stacks and must be requested in the Newspaper
and Current Periodical Room (N&CPR).  The documents are kept in paper
until replaced by microfiche.

B.  Official Records:

Unbound Official Records must be requested from the closed stacks in the 
Newspaper and Current Periodical Room.  When bound, Official Records of the
General Assembly, Economic and Social Counicl, and Security Council should be
requested in the Adams Building, fifth floor, center room.  Official Records of
the Trusteeship Council must be requested in the Law Library.  A complete set of
microfiche is kept in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room closed stacks.

C.  Separately Cataloged Publications:

These are in the general collection or special collections as dictated by call
number and format.  

D.  JX1977.A2

Anything with this call number, the call number for the old bound document set,
should be requested in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room.  This set
includes most, but not all, documents up to about 1970.  Currently U.N. 
documents are not bound, but are kept permanently in microfiche.


     The following indexes and guides are useful in conducting research with
United Nations documents and publications. Most are available in the reference
collection in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room (N&CPR).    

A.  Background:

     The following works provide a basic description of the structure and an
overview of the work of the United Nations.

             United Nations.  Office of Public Information.  Basic Facts About
             the United Nations.  New York: United Nations, latest edition.
             Everyman's United Nations, 8th edition.  New York: United Nations. 
             Office of Public Information, 1968.
             JX1977.A37E9  (history 1945 - 1965)
             Everyone's United Nations.   New York: United Nations. latest
             edition.  JX1977.A37E9  (history 1966-)
             United Nations.  Office of Public Information.  Guide to the
             Charter of the United Nations. New York: United Nations.
             JXI977.A37G8    (purpose, functions, organization)

B.  Activities of the U.N.:

             United Nations.  Yearbook.  New York: Columbia University Press in
             Cooperation with the U.N., 1946/47-      JX1977.A37Y4 
             (A good place to start general research on a topic considered by
             the U.N.  Subject, name and, since 1975, resolution indexes. 
             Discussions include document numbers for further reference.) 
             U.N. Chronicle, vol. 1, May 1964-   (frequency has varied; now
             quarterly)   JX1977.AIU564
             Provides overview of current activities of U.N.  Gives summary of
             September opening session of General Assembly. (Approximately the  
             last two years may be requested in the N&CPR. Older paper issues are 
             bound and in the permanent collections.  Full text of some dates is 
             also available on the IAC Magazine Collection and UMI General      
             Periodicals Ondisc in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room.)

C.  Indexes to Documents:

             1946-1949.         United Nations.  Dag Hammarskjold Library.  
                                Check List of United Nations Documents.
                                Z6481.A3  or JX1977.A2 (subseries)
                                See attached list.  Checklists with subject
                                indexes were issued for some of the individual
                                U.N. bodies for the time period 1946-1949.

             1950-1973.         United Nations.  Dag Hammarskjold Library. 
                                United Nations Document Index.  New York: U.N.,
                                vol. 1-24, Jan. 1950-Dec. 1973.   Z6482.U45
                                Also indexed some specialized agency publications
                                until 1962. The specialized agency publications
                                themselves are not included in the U.N. document

             1974-1978.         UNDEX: United Nations Document Index.  New York:
                                U.N.,1970-1978. (irregular until 1974)
                                Series A: Subject Index               Z6481.U4
                                Series B: Country Index               Z6481.U42 
                                Series C: List of Documents Issued    Z6481.U425A 
             1979-              UNDOC: Current Index: United Nations Document
                                Index.  New York: United Nations, Jan/Feb. 1979- 

Check Lists:

The United Nations Document Index begins with 1950.  A series called Check
Lists of United Nations Documents was planned to cover the years 1946 
to 1949.  However, not all of the parts were published. 

Following are the sections of the Check Lists of United Nations Documents which
were issued.  The U.N. document series is ST/LIB/SER.F/-.   (This list is from 
United Nations.  United Nations Documentation.  A Brief Guide.  New
York: U.N., 1981, pp. 37-38.)

Part I:          Not issued
Part II:         No. 1: Security Council, 1946-1949. 1953. (ST/LIB/SER.F/2)
Part III:        Atomic Energy Commission, 1946-1952. 1953. (ST/LIB/SER.F/3)
Part IV No.  1:  Trusteeship Council, 1947-1948, 1st and 2nd sessions.          
No.  2:          Trusteeship Council, 1949, 3rd session.  
No.  3:          Trusteeship Council, 1949, 4th and 5th, and 1st and 2nd
                 special sessions.    (ST/LIB/SER.F/4:3)
Part V No.  1:   Economic and Social Council, 1946-1947, 1st to
                 5th sessions.    (ST/LIB/SER.F/5:1)
No.  2:          Economic and Social Council,  1948,  6th  and  7th  
                 sessions.   (ST/LIB/SER.F/5:2)
No.  3:          Economic and Social Council,  1949,  8th  and  9th    
                 sessions.   (ST/LIB/SER.F/5:3)
Part VI:A No. 1: Economic and Employment Commission, 1947-1949, 1st to
                 4th sessions.    (ST/LIB/SER.F/6A:1)
VI:B  No.  1:    Transport and Communications Commission, 1946-1949, 1st 
                 to 3rd sessions.    (ST/LIB/SER.F/6B:1)
VI:C No.  1:     Statistical Commission, 1947-1949, 1st to 4th sessions,
                 including Statistical Commission (Nuclear), 1946;
                 Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling, 1st to 3rd 
                 sessions; UN World Statistical Congress,  1947; Regional 
                 meeting of European Statisticians.  1949. (ST/LIB/SER.F/6C:1)
VI: D No.1:      Commission on Human Rights, 1947-1949, 1st to 5th              
                 sessions, including Commission on Human Rights                 
                 (Nuclear), 1946; Sub-Commission on Freedom of                  
                 Information and of the Press, 1st to 3rd sessions, Sub-        
                 Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of   
                 Minorities, 1st and 2nd sessions.  (ST/LIB/SER.F/6D:1)
VI:E No.1:       Social Commission, 1946-1949, 1st to 5th sessions,             
                 including Temporary Social Commission, 1946.                   
VI:F No. 1:      Commission on the Status of Women, 1947-1949,                  
                 1st to 3rd sessions, including Sub-Commission on               
                 the Status of Women, 1946. (ST/LIB/Ser.F/6F:1)                 
VI:G             Not issued
VI:H No. 1:      Fiscal Commission, 1947-1948, 1st session.                     
No. 2:           Fiscal Commission, 1949, 2nd and interim                       
                 sessions. (ST/LIB/SER.F/6H:2)
VI: I No. 1:     Population Commission, 1947-1949, 1st to 4th                   
                 sessions. (ST/LIB/SER.F/61:1)
Part VII: A      Not issued
VII:B No. 1:     Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, 1947-           
                 1949, 1st to 5th sessions.  ST/LIB/SER.F/7B:1)
VII: C No.1:     Economic Commission for Latin America, 1948-                   
                 1949,1st to 2nd sessions. (ST/LIB/SER.F/7C:1)                  
Part VIII: No. 1:United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, and    
                 United Nations Appeal for Children, 1946-1949.                 
Part IX:         Not issued

D.  Indexes to Proceedings:

      Information about speeches, voting, what happened in the meetings.

      United Nations.  Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social
             Council.  New York:  United Nations, 1952-

      United Nations.  Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly.
             New York:  United Nations, 1950/51-         

      United Nations.  Index to Proceedings of the Security Council.
             New York:  United Nations, 1964-

      United  Nations.  Index to Proceedings of the Trusteeship Council.
             New York:  United Nations, 1952-

E.  Indexes to Resolutions-Cumulative:

      United Nations.  General Assembly.  Resolutions Adopted by the General
      Assembly.  Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1946- 
      JX1977.A3155 D57         

      Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council.  Dobbs Ferry, New      
      York:  Oceana Publications, 1946-

      Index to Resolutions and Other Decisions of the United Nations
      Conferences on Trade and Development and of the Trade and Development
      Board, 1964-1972.  New York: United Nations, 1973. (Doc. no. 
      Document set 

      Index to Resolutions of the Economic and Social Council, 1946-1970.  New
      York: United Nations, 1981.  (Doc. no.  ST/LIB/SER.H/4) 
      HC59.I492 1981

      Index to Resolutions of the General Assembly, 1946-1970.  New York:       
      United Nations, 1972. ( ST/LIB/SER.H/1)
      Index to Resolutions of the Security Council, 1946-1991.  New York:  
      United Nations, 1992  (Doc. no.  ST/LIB/SER.H/5)
      Document set
F.  Document Symbol reference:

      United Nations.  Dag Hammarskjold Library.  United Nations Document
      Series Symbols, 1946-1977.  New York: United Nations, 1978.  JX1977.A2

      United Nations, Dag Hammarskjold Library.  United Nations Document Series
      Symbols, 1978-1984.  New York: United Nations, 1986    JX1977.A2

G.  Lists of Official Records:

      United Nations.  United Nations Official Records 1948-1962.  New
             York:  United Nations, 1973.      Z6485.U53

      United Nations.  Official Records, 1962-1981.
             New York:  United  Nations,  1982.   Z6485.U55 1982

      United Nations.  Official Records, 1981-1984.
            New York:  United  Nations,  1984.    N&CPR

     Also UNDOC, "Official Records" section.

H.  Sales Number Indexes:

      United Nations Publications Catalogue.  New York: United Nations, 1986-
      (Annual)        Z6485.C37
      With various changes in title, this sales catalog has been in existence
      since 1947. 

      Birchfield, Mary Eva.  The Complete Guide to the United Nations Sales
      Publication, 1946-1978.  Pleasantville, N.Y.: Unifo Publishers, Ltd.
      1982.     Z6485.Z9B57 1982.

      United Nations.  Office of Conference Services.  United Nations
      Publications, 1945-1966.  New York: United Nations, 1967.    Z6485.U535

      United Nations,  Dag Hammarskjold Library.  United Nations Sales
      Publications, 1972-1977.  New York:  United Nations, 1978.
      JXI977.A2   ST/LIB/SER.B/27

      Also UNDOC, "Sales Publications" section.

I.  General Guide to Documentation System:

      United Nations.  United Nations Documentation:  A Brief Guide.
      New York:  United Nations, 1981.           JX1977.8 D6U56 1981
      and 1994 (ST/LIB/34/Rev.2)

J.  Index to Readex Microcard Document Set:

      Readex Microprint Corporation, New York.  United Nations Documents:
      Checklist of the Readex Microprint Edition.  New York: Readex Microprint
      Corporation, 1978, 1980.  (Lists by number documents included in the      
      microcard document set housed in the Microform Reading Room.)


A.  United Nations resolutions may be found in various ways at the Library:

1.  They can be requested from the closed stack document set in the Newspaper
and Current Periodical Room by document number.  (Examples:  A/RES/48/2,

2.  One volume of the supplement to the Official Records of the various
bodies is a compilation of all the resolutions and decisions of a session or
year.  See discussion of Official Records.  This volume may be requested from
the closed stacks in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room or from the
general collections, depending on year.

3.  Commercial compilations of General Assembly and Security Council
Resolutions are on reference in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room.

       United Nations.  General Assembly.  Resolutions Adopted by the General
       Assembly.  Dobbs Ferry, New York:  Oceana Publications, 1946-
       JX1977.A3155 D57  (Includes voting records)

       Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council.  Dobbs Ferry, New
       York:  Oceana  Publications, 1946- 
       JX1977.A515a    (Includes voting records)

       Wellens, Karel C., ed. Resolutions and Statements of the United Nations
       Security Council (1946-1992): A Thematic Guide.  Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff,
       JX1977.A59 1993

4.  Decisions and Resolutions Adopted by the General Assembly, issued as a
Press Release by the United Nations Department of Public Information, Press
Section.  These volumes are published sooner than the Official Record
cumulations.  The issues, kept in the office of the Serial and Government
Publications Division, may be requested from staff in the Newspaper and Current
Periodical Room. 

5.  Full text of major resolutions are reprinted in the United Nations. 
Yearbook, 1946-.  A full set of the Yearbook is kept on reference in the
Newspaper and Current Periodical Room.  From 1975, there is a separate
resolutions index.

6.  Full text of resolutions for some years are on the Internet.  


    Under Article 102 of the United Nations Charter, every treaty and other
international agreement entered into by any member state is to be registered or
filed with the U.N. Secretariat and published by the Secretariat after coming
into force.

    Eventually the Secretariat publishes these treaties and agreements in:

     United Nations.  Treaty Series.  Recueil des traites. (UNTS)
     New York:  United Nations, vol. 1-, 1946/47-
     Law Library stacks - paper
     N&CPR stacks through early 1970's only - microfiche

Indexes to U.N. Treaty Series:

      United Nations.  Treaty Series.  Cumulative Index.  New York: United
      Nations, 1956-
      Law Library reference

      Vambery, Joseph T.  Cumulative List and Index of Treaties and
      International Agreements Filed or Recorded With The Secretariat of the
      United Nations December 1969-1974.  Dobbs Ferry, new York:  Oceana
      Publications, 1977.
      Law Library reference, N&CPR            

Other United Nations Treaty References:

      Multilateral Treaties Deposited With the Secretary General.  New York: 
      United Nations, 1982-.    (Doc. no. ST/LEG/SER.E/1-)   Annual.
      Cites publication of treaty in Treaty Series or other source of the text. 
      Useful in identifying more recent multilateral treaties than those found
      in the Treaty Series.  Indicates accessions.
      N&CPR     Law Library

      United Nations.  Secretariat.  Statement of Treaties and International
      Agreements Registered or Filed and Recorded With the Secretariat.  
      New York:  United Nations.      (Doc. no. ST/LEG/SER.D./-)
      Monthly.  Subject index cumulates monthly and annually in December.
      Helpful in locating citations for recent treaties.
      Law Library reference

Other United Nations Treaty Information:

      United Nations.  Yearbook.
      U.N. Chronicle


      The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has its own documentation
system.  Most of the major publications of the Court are available in paper
copy in the general collection or in the Law Library.  The online card catalogs
should be consulted for entries and call numbers where necessary.  Some of the
materials, through the early 1970's, are also available in microfiche from the
closed stacks in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room.

      Following are the Library of Congress entries for some of the major
International Court of Justice publications:

      Hague.  International Court of Justice.  Acts and Documents Concerning
      the Organization of the Court.  (ICJ Acts and Documents).
      JX1971.6.A24 (collected set)
      One set analyzed in full.
      Microfiche through the early 1970's available through the N&CPR.

      Hague. International Court of Justice.  Bibliography of the International
      Court of Justice, 1947-1966.  (ICJ Bibliography)
      Microfiche-N&CPR until early 1970's

      Bibliographie de la Cour Internationale de Justice/Bibliography of the
      International Court of Justice, 1966- (ICJ Bibliography)
      Microfiche-N&CPR until early 1970's

      Hague.  International Court of Jutice. Pleadings, Oral Arguments,
      Documents. (ICJ Pleadings)
      Each case separately cataloged
      Microfiche-N&CPR until early 1970's

      Hague. International Court of Jutice.  Recueil des arrets, avis,
      consultatifs et ordonnances.  Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and
      Orders  (ICJ Reports)
      JX1971.6.A244 until March 23, 1972
      Cataloged separately thereafter
      Law Library Reference until early 1970's
      Microfiche-N&CPR until early 1970's

      Hague.  International Court of Justice.  Yearbook.  (ICJ Yearbook)
      Microfiche-N&CPR until early l970's

      Hague. International Court of Jutice.  Report.  (Its annual report to
      U.N. General Assembly)
      JX1977.A41 (U.N. General Assebly.  Official Records.  Supplement, usually
      number 4)
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