
This channel provides FEMA mission-related information. For emergencies, call your local fire/EMS/police or 9-1-1.

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EAST COAST: print this checklist! It has everything you need to prepare your pets for Hurricane :

preparedness items: have board games for your kids if the power goes out & a solar or hand-crank cell phone charger.

Hurricanes often cause flooding & power outages. Here’s how you can prepare for whatever throws your way

: Double check your emergency kit for canned food, a can opener, plenty of water, batteries, a flashlight, radio & pet items

If you have friends or family on the East Coast - tell them to keep an eye on Hurricane & check

(Oct 26) If may come your way, now’s the time to add a flashlight, batteries & portable cell phone charger to your emerg kit

New Yorkers, make sure your emergency plans are up to date. It also doesn't hurt to dust off your Go Bag

Be prepared. Monitor your local weather as Hurricane Sandy moves up the East Coast. Have food, water and other essential supplies on hand.

. on : “A hurricane isn't a point on a map…its impact will be felt far from the center.”

Florida & the east coast: do a quick check of your emergency supply kit & follow updates on Hurricane

Hey, - we need to watch . Check emergency supplies now: water, batteries, xtra food.

Hurricane tip: Bring in outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans & anything else not tied down

Florida residents looking for official state twitter accounts for response can find a list of them @

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