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Genomic biology
Bos taurus
Canis familiaris
Danio rerio
Homo sapiens
Mus musculus
Rattus novegicus
Sus scrofa

blue bulletUniSTS Query Tips

Use the search bar at the top to search for markers. General rules for searching Entrez apply.

You can search with:

  • Marker name or marker alias
  • Primer sequences
  • Marker accession number
  • Organism or Taxonomy ID
  • Map name
  • Chromosome
  • Gene symbol, LocusLink ID, UniGene ID, or a term(s) from the description of the gene. This will find markers that are located on the specified gene.
  • GenBank accession number, gi, or terms from the title of the accession. This will find the marker corresponding to the accession number, or a marker that contains the given accession in its e-PCR results.

More specific queries can be made by restricting the terms to specific fields.


[Alias]   Marker alias.
[Chromosome] [chro] [chr] Chromosome where the marker is mapped.
[Gene Description] [gdsc] Any word appearing in the description of a gene where the marker is placed.
[Gene Name] [gene] Gene symbol.
[Locus Link ID] [lid] [locusid] LocusLink id of a gene where the marker is placed.
[Map Name]   Map name where the marker is mapped. Follow the steps to see a list of map names.
[Marker Name]   Marker name.
[Nucleotide Accession] [nacc] Nucleotide accession where this marker can be amplified.
[Nucleotide Defline] [nudl] Defline of a nucleotide sequence where this marker can be amplified.
[Nucleotide UID] [nuid] gi of nucleotide sequence where this marker can be amplified.
[Organism] [orgn] Description of the organism, e.g., human[organism] Homo sapiens[organism].
[Property] [prop] Property of a record. Follow the steps to see a list of UniSTS-specific properties.
[Primer] [prim] PCR primer sequences.
[Taxonomy ID] [txid] [taxid] NCBI Taxonomy ID of a species, e.g., 9606[txid].
[UID]   UniSTS ID.
[UniGene Description] [ugds] Any word appearing in a UniGene cluster's title.
[UniGene ID] [ugid] UniGene Cluster Identifier, e.g., Hs.2[ugid].
[UniSTS ID] [usid] UniSTS id

Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT must be in uppercase, and "*" is used as a wildcard.

Queries must not start with NOT, and wildcards must be used at the end, not within, the query string. Wildcards will only consider the first 150 matches to the string.

Find UniSTS-specific Properties
1. Go to UniSTS home page.
2. Click Preview/Index.
3. From the "All Fields" box at the bottom left, select "Properties".
4. Click the Index button on the right.
5. A new box at the bottom left displays all of the properties.

Find All the Map Names in UniSTS
1. Go to UniSTS home page.
2. Click Preview/Index.
3. From the "All Fields" box at the bottom left, select "Map Name".
4. Click the Index button on the right.
5. A new box at the bottom left shows all of the map names and number of records with the particular map name.

blue bulletExamples

1. Find markers from human gene TSC2: search with "human[organism] AND TSC2[gene]".

2. Find all human markers mapped in the deCODE genetic map: search with "human[organism] AND decode[map name]".

3. Find markers mapped in the deCODE genetic map that are within a gene: search with "decode[map name] AND unists_genes[filter]".

4. Find all markers that can be amplified from GenBank accession BC050687: search with "BC050687" or "BC050687[nacc]".


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