What people are saying about us

 NSEP award recipients bring unique and highly needed skills: academic excellence coupled with international exposure, varied experience and strong language capability... such hallmarks are valuable for ONI and the greater Intelligence Community.  

Office of Naval Intelligence

 Our organization has greatly benefited from the NSEP awardees who have served as part of our team over the years. Their cultural knowledge, area expertise and ability to work collaboratively have been instrumental to helping us produce high quality products that have informed and influenced senior military decision makers.  

Army Directed Studies Office

 NSEP scholars acquire skills that prepare them to grow into exemplary analysts and have demonstrated the ability to effectively apply cultural knowledge, analytical thinking and linguistic skills to intelligence issues. 

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Leon Panetta   I'm a big believer in language training and in getting our people equipped with the ability, not only to speak the language, but to understand the culture of the countries that we're dealing with. And I say that not only because [it's good] for each individual to be able to have that capability. But I have to tell you, it's important to our national defense to have that capability.  

- Leon Panetta, U.S. Secretary of Defense

NSEP Celebrates 20th Anniversary

On September 8, 2011, the National Security Education Program (NSEP) celebrated its 20th anniversary with many special guests including Dr. Clifford Stanley, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, and former U.S. Senator David L. Boren, President of the University of Oklahoma and author of the National Security Education Act of 1991.

Learn more here.