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Energy Efficiency

Energy Datapalooza celebrates new products, services, and apps that are advancing a secure, clean energy future -- all built with freely available data from the government and other sources. Learn how these new innovations could help you save money on your energy bill.

Taking on Scary Basements
Your basement no longer has to be scary. We are sharing tips and tricks to make it more comfortable and energy efficient. | Photo courtesy of

Some tricks and treats to help make home energy costs less spooky this Halloween season.

Nashville Turns an Eyesore into an Energy-Efficient Asset
The completed Nashville Bridge Company's building (called NABRICO for short) includes a geothermal heat pump system to keep public energy costs low. | Photo courtesy of David Powell, AIA.

A century-old building on Nashville's waterfront is revitalized with help from an Energy Department grant.

Going Big: Building the Largest Ever Energy Efficiency Project
New screening equipment used to refine wood chips at the North Pacific Paper Corporation paper mill in Longview, Wash., is expected to save NORPAC 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity a year, which is enough energy to serve 8,000 Northwest homes. Construction of the chip pretreatment structure, shown here, is scheduled to be completed in 2013. | Photo courtesy of Bonneville Power Administration.

A paper mill in Washington State is changing the way it conserves electricity and is saving money.

National Energy Action Month

President Obama calls on Americans to work together to achieve greater U.S. energy security and build a more robust economy.