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Video Sharing Sites

What are video sharing sites?

Video sharing sites allow you to upload and share online videos similar to photo sharing sites. Video sharing sites store the videos and invite you to share them in a variety of ways.

One of the most common video sharing sites is YouTube Exit Disclaimer. Others include dotSUB Exit Disclaimer for captioned videos and ICYou Exit Disclaimer, a video sharing site just for health videos. These sites share much in common with online social network sites, such as Facebook Exit Disclaimer and MySpace Exit Disclaimer —users can connect with each other, send messages, leave comments, and share videos.

Video sharing sites in response to HIV

  • Share videos of HIV-related content such as prevention, testing, treatment and research messages.
  • Engage, connect, listen, and learn from volunteers, patients, and colleagues.

Examples from the Field

Where can I learn more?

One Pagers

Video Sharing Sites (PDF - 614 KB)

Video Sharing Sites - One Page PDF

A one page reference regarding video sharing sites, what they are, and how they are being used in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Last revised: 08/07/2009