


Podcast: GRAIL Spacecraft-New Year's Moon Arrival

NASA's twin GRAIL spacecraft are on course to enter orbit around the moon just in time for 2012.

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Podcast: The American Rocketeer

75 years ago, the first rocket tests were conducted on a site that is now NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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Podcast: NASA's Aquarius Mission to Fly High Over the Salty Seas

NASA prepares for launch of Aquarius, an Earth-orbiting mission that will measure salt content on the ocean surface.

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A Valentine's Date With a Comet

NASA's Stardust-NExT mission has a Valentine's Day date to meet up with comet Tempel 1.

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Students Find Cave on Mars Audio Clips

Using the camera on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter, seventh graders at Evergreen Middle School in Cottonwood, Calif., found an apparent cave on Mars.

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Podcast: Mars Rovers 'Talk' Via Audio Files

NASA's long-lived Mars rovers share tales of their journeys via data turned into audio files.

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Podcast: A WISE Mission to Study Asteroids and Other Objects

NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, is scheduled for launch in December 2009, on a mission to survey the entire sky in four infrared wavelengths.

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New Impact Craters on Mars

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has revealed frozen water hiding just below the surface of mid-latitude Mars.

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Podcast: Kepler: Are There Other Earths Out There?

NASA's Kepler mission is starting its hunt for other "Earths" in our galaxy.

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Podcast: The Space Hunt Is On -- for Carbon Dioxide

NASA's new Orbiting Carbon Observatory will study carbon dioxide--a major contributor to global warming--in Earth's atmosphere.

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