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We used to be Pueblo.GSA.gov, but now we're Publications.USA.gov. This Federal Citizen Information Center site still offers important consumer information and publications to help you make important life decisions.

Publication of the Week

Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number

Someone illegally using your Social Security number can steal your financial identity and your money. Find out how to prevent identify theft and how to report it if you suspect it. If you are a victim, learn how to get a new Social Security number. (Previous item number: 519W)

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2012 Consumer Action Handbook

Use the Consumer Action Handbook (CAH) to get help with consumer purchases, problems and complaints. Find consumer contacts at hundreds of companies and trade associations, local, state, and federal government agencies, national consumer organizations, and more. (Previous item number: 568W)

Order the "2012 Consumer Action Handbook" >

Consumer Information Catalog

NEW Fall 2012 Edition! The Consumer Information Catalog lists approximately 150 free and low-cost publications available to you from various federal agencies. The publications cover topics such as money, health, employment, housing, federal programs, education and travel.

Order the "Consumer Information Catalog" >

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