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Answered: Who get 'denied' a concealed carry permit, if they ...

A felon, someone convicted of domestic abuse, drugs or mental illness

Asked: How can I add another new email address to my aol ...

How can I add another new email address to my aol account?

Answered: Can i get a print out of my rx for the year?

If you are asking about getting a print out of your prescriptions for the year...just call the local pharmacy where you do your business and ask them for it. You shouldn't have any problem. That's ...

Asked: Who wrote these lyrics

who wrote these lyrics "nothing come from dreaming but dreams nothing comes from talking but sound, and the rest just going round and round"

Answered: Best Religion

Dear Friends; For you who have trouble figuring out what the big deal is over Jews becoming Christian, this may help. Of course, there are smucks who shall do their dirtiest to blimish, but ...