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File CEII or Privileged Material

The following procedures apply to persons filing information that warrants special treatment as Privileged or Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). The procedures vary depending on whether the material is filed via the Commission's eFiling system, submitted on CD/DVD, or filed on paper. Additional guidelines on information considered to be CEII is available at the link on the bottom of this page.

FERC is not responsible for detecting and correcting filer errors, including those related to security designation. It is the filer's responsibility to file and label the documents correctly and to ensure that each volume and CD/DVD includes only information with the identical security level. If the security level of a document, page, CD/DVD, or file is not marked properly, it may be treated as "public."

  • For electronic submission via the efiling system:
    1. Material subject to a Protective Order or for which Protected treatment is requested may not be submitted via efiling at this time.

    2. Organize Public, Privileged, and CEII files in different folders or directories according to security classification to minimize errors in selecting and uploading files during efiling.

    3. File names, which can now be up to 60 characters long (including the dot and file extension), should also begin with "Public", "Priv", "CEII" to clearly indicate the security status The file name must contain only one period immediately before the suffix for the file format

    4. Select the appropriate Security tab (Public, Privileged, or CEII) to upload the files for each security level. You may upload as many as 200 files under each tab - all files must be less than 50 Mb. The efiling system allows the user to correct the security designation for files prior to submission.

  • For electronic submissions utilizing the eTariff format:
    1. Populate the Attachment Security Level data element with the appropriate code prior to zipping and uploading the eTariff XML file.  Note that there must be one public Transmittal Letter for each eTariff XML file.

    2. You may upload as many as 199 files under each security code – all files must be less than 50 Mb.

    3. eTariff users must ensure that the correct security designation is compiled as part of their XML package prior to submission. There will no other opportunity to change security designation.

  • For paper submissions or any required staff copies of electronic submissions (see the Filing Guide and Qualified Documents List PDF (revised January 3, 2012) for efilings that require copies for staff):
    1. Separate Public, CEII and Privileged material into clearly-marked binders or volumes.

    2. Insert a page in the Public volume at each place where CEII or Privileged material has been removed. The page must identify the volume or binder containing the removed material.

    3. The first page of each volume or binder must include the security designation (Public, Privileged, or CEII), and information sufficient to identify the filer, document date, docket and sub-docket no., title of the submission, volume number (e.g., Vol. 1 of 4) and a description of the material contained therein.

    4. Stamp or clearly mark all pages with the applicable security designation. The cover sheet for each volume or binder also must be stamped or marked accordingly.

    5. For submissions on paper, CD, and DVD, submit the number specified by Table 1 at Submission Guidelines PDF.

    6. For required staff copies of electronic submissions, submit copies of each volume or separate section:

      1. Public: Original + Required number of copies
      2. CEII: Original + two copies
      3. Privileged: Original only

      Refer to the applicable Commission regulation for the required number of copies.

See the Submission Guidelines PDF for more information.


eFiling Help Desk
Email: efiling@ferc.gov

For questions only - Do not submit comments via this or any other FERC email address

Telephone Numbers


Updated: January 4, 2012