Jon Carson

Jon Carson


Director of Public Engagement. Official WH account. Comments & messages received through WH pages are subject to PRA & may be archived Learn

Washington, DC ·

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Share this video of President Obama's statement today on asking Congress to extend the middle-class tax cuts

President Obama: "Our job now is to get a majority in Congress to reflect the will of the American people."

President Obama: "At a time when our economy is still recovering from the Great Recession, our top priority has to be jobs and growth."

President Obama: "As I said on Tuesday night, the American people voted for action, not politics as usual"

POTUS said America is about what can be done by us, not for us. wants ideas. Reply, tell the Pres to expand

On Tuesday night, President Obama said our work isn't done. Check out for ways you can engage w/ the Administration

we need to help people afford and access long-term services and supports. We need to mobilize all Americans to find solutions.

President Obama: "America has never been about what can be done for us. It’s about what can be done by us" Your ideas for what we can do?

Jobs chart - how America is fighting its way back from the worst recession since the Great Depression:

Help the survivors of Hurricane : suggests a financial contribution & giving blood. More ways to help:

Purple tie on to support our youth. Bullying is not a rite of passage & we've got to take a stand.

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