SRU (Search/Retrieval Using URL)

The MARC Context Set (version 1.0)

  • The MARC context set defines indexes corresponding to MARC fields.
  • The URI for this context set is: info:srw/cql-context-set/1/marc-v1.0
  • The recommended short name is: marc

Sections: Indexes | Relation Modifier 'substring' | Examples


Rather than explicit indexes, a rule for constructing index names is specified. 

An index in this context set is one whose name takes one of the following forms:

  1. marc.<tag>
  2. marc.<tag>$<subfield>
  3. marc.<tag>:<indicator>

    and for the first two, but not the third, the relation may be modified by the 'substring' relation modifier (see below), as illustrated in the examples (4 and 5), yielding an additional two forms:

  4. marc.<tag>$<subfield> <relation>/marc.substring="<start-pos>:<length>"
  5. marc.<tag> <relation>/marc.substring="<start-pos>:<length>"


  • <tag> is 1 to 3 alphanumeric characters, corresponding to a MARC field. (The leader, "LDR" is to be represented as "000".)
  • <subfield> is a single character, representing a MARC subfield.
  • <indicator> is a single decimal digit (0-9), representing a MARC indicator.
  • <start-pos> and <length> are defined below.


No relations are defined for this context set.


The 'substring' modifiers is defined for this context set.

Substring Modifier

The relation modifier marc.substring specifies a string of bytes (start byte and length) indicating the desired substring within the field to be searched.

The format is:

<index> <relation>/marc.substring="<start-pos>:<length>" <term>


  • <start-pos> is a non-negative integer representing the starting byte of the desired string (where the beginning byte position is zero).
  • <length> is a positive integer.


No relation qualifiers are defined for this context set.


No boolean modifiers are defined for this context set.


An example is shown for each of the five forms listed above in indexes.

  1. Form:  marc.<tag>
    Example: marc.001=0102030405
    Marc field 001: Control number
  2. Form:    marc.<tag>$<subfield>
    Example: marc.245$c="no responsibility"
    Subfield c of 245: title - statement of responsibility
  3. Form:  marc.<tag>:<indicator>
    Example: marc.856:1=2
    Indicator one of 856:  856:electronic location and access, indicator 1: access method, 2="remote login"
  4. Form:   marc.<tag>$<subfield> <relation>/marc.substring="<start-pos>:<length>"
    example: marc.533$7=/marc.substring="1:4" 1992
    Bytes one through four of 533 subfield 7:  Date (year) of publication
  5. Form:   marc.<tag> <relation>/marc.substring="<start-pos>:<length>"
    example: marc.008=/marc.substring="0:6" 920102
    bytes 0 through 5 of 008: date entered on file (which is defined as "yymmdd")