SRU (Search/Retrieval Using URL)

The PRISM Context Set (version 2.0)

"Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata"

  • The PRISM context set (version 2.0) defines 57 indexes, corresponding to the 57 PRISM (v2.0) elements.
  • The URI for this context set is: info:srw/cql-context-set/11/prism-v2.0
  • The recommended short name is: prism

Sections: Indexes | Relations | Relation Modifiers | Relation Qualifiers | Boolean Modifiers


  1. aggregationType
  2. alternateTitle
  3. byteCount
  4. channel
  5. complianceProfile
  6. copyright
  7. corporateEntity
  8. coverDate
  9. coverDisplayDate
  10. creationDate
  11. dateReceived
  12. distributor
  13. doi
  14. edition
  15. eIssn
  16. embargoDate
  17. endingPage
  18. event
  19. expirationDate
  20. genre
  21. hasAlternative
  22. hasCorrection
  23. hasPreviousVersion
  24. hasTranslation
  25. industry
  26. isCorrectionOf
  27. issn
  28. issueIdentifier
  29. issueName
  30. isTranslationOf
  31. keyword
  32. killDate
  33. location
  34. metadataContainer
  35. modificationDate
  36. number
  37. object
  38. organization
  39. originPlatform
  40. pageRange
  41. person
  42. publicationDate
  43. publicationName
  44. rightsAgent
  45. section
  46. startingPage
  47. subsection1
  48. subsection2
  49. subsection3
  50. subsection4
  51. teaser
  52. ticker
  53. timePeriod
  54. url
  55. versionIdentifier
  56. volume
  57. wordCount

The semantics of these indexes are the same as those of the corresponding PRISM elements. See for the PRISM specifications. This context set is applicable to PRISM version 2.0.


No relations are defined for this context set.


No relation modifiers are defined for this context set.


No relation qualifiers are defined for this context set.


No boolean modifiers are defined for this context set.