* U.S. Census Bureau - Small Business Resources for Market Data

The U.S. Census Bureau measures the nation's people, places, and economy:

  • The Census Bureau is the leading source of statistical information about the nation's people, providing not only snapshots of the nation's population size and growth, but also detailed portraits of the changing characteristics of our communities
  • The Census Bureau provides critical, timely information on the health of the U.S. and local economy
  • Small business owners can visit U.S. Census Bureau Small Business Resources to learn about business opportunities with the Census

The Economic Census is the most authoritative and comprehensive source of information about U.S. businesses from the national to the local level:

  • The Economic Census provides statistics that allow businesses, investors, policy makers, trade associations, chambers of commerce and others to answer vital questions such as:
    • How do we know the size of industries and businesses?
    • How can we determine the economic activity of communities large and small?
    • Where should I place a new business?
    • What products in my industry are growing?
    • What materials are purchased by my industry?
    • What industries purchase my products?
  • Information from the Economic Census helps businesses plan and grow effectively
  • State and local governments use Economic Census statistics for forecasting, economic development, revenue projection, budget preparation, and programmatic decisions

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The short link for this FAQ is http://1.usa.gov/qzURjk


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