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Fixed Assets CDC/504 Loan

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SBA works with Certified Development Companies (CDCs) and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses through the 504/CDC Loan Program. The program provides growing businesses with long-term, fixed-rate financing for major fixed assets, such as land and buildings. Businesses must meet size standards set by SBA.


To be eligible for a CDC/504 loan, your business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Program, a business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $7.5 million and does not have an average net income in excess of $2.5 million after taxes for the preceding two years. Loans cannot be made to businesses engaged in speculation or investment in rental real estate.

Contact Information
Small Business Administration
SBA AnswerDesk
Office of Capital Access



Laura Thomas Edebe's picture

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cslating's picture

Hello. You should check with the Small Business Administration. They offer programs to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses – including loans and training. You can contact your local SBA office ( or post your question to the SBA Online Community at (

Anonymous's picture

What doesnt make sense is that I Invested over 9 Million Dollars in a complex that provides housing and produced many jobs that save many local business in the area. My folks have taken pay cuts and rolled up their sleeves to work through pne of the toughest economic situations we have ever faced. The Goverment jumped in an help teh bank with Low Long term loans but made NO restrictions on them to insure that that money was invested back into small business America, thus creating some of teh Richest Bankers in History. I asked for a rate Lock at 350 basis point above their rate and was told to go fly a kite! You knwo why? Because they create a false short Fall, hit the Tarp funds then are allowed to keep 100% of he cash flow. Why is that important, because they show the FEDS their cash flow is increasing because they record 100% of teh revenue from teh business they foreclosed on instead of just the Interest. The system is so sick that when they see teh food lines they will realize unemployment isnt going down, people have just run out of beneifits. We must wake up! There is NO reason for this real estate bust! No reason.... There has always been those who havent paid their bills and it didnt bring the most powerful country to its knee's.
Paul's picture

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Anonymous's picture

i would like to get into real estate rental business what financing help can i get from the gov
cslating's picture

There are a number of resources available to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses – including loans and training.
• Contact your local Small Business Development Center. Go to to find an office near you.
• Connect with a business mentor. Visit or call 1.800.634.0245 to find a SCORE chapter in your area.
• Contact the U.S. Small Business Administration at 1.800.827.5722 or submit your question to

Good luck with your proposed venture!

taiwo's picture

i want to start a small business and i need a loan to get started what help can you do for me it is all about graphic
jaardappel's picture

There are a number of resources available to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses – including loans and training.
• Contact your local Small Business Development Center. Go to to find an office near you.
• Connect with a business mentor. Visit or call 1.800.634.0245 to find a SCORE chapter in your area.
• Contact the U.S. Small Business Administration at 1.800.827.5722 or submit your question to

John's picture

I want to start a small business in my land, I need a loan to get started what help can you do for me it is all about development building houses on 27 acres in a great location
jaardappel's picture

There are a number of resources available to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses – including loans and training.

· Contact your local Small Business Development Center. Go to to find an office near you.

· Connect with a business mentor. Visit or call 1.800.634.0245 to find a SCORE chapter in your area.

· Contact the U.S. Small Business Administration at 1.800.827.5722 or submit your question to

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