First Question: What do you want to ask the White House Press Secretary?

Today, we’re pleased to bring back “First Question” – an online engagement series that utilizes social media to answer questions from citizens across the country.

You’ve probably seen White House press secretary Jay Carney take questions from the press in the Brady Briefing Room here at the White House. With “First Question,” we’re inviting Americans to ask their questions online for Jay to answer.

So, what’s your question for the White House press secretary? Here’s how it works:

  • In the morning, Jay will ask for that day's questions in a post to his @PressSec Twitter account. Be sure to follow his account and the White House's main Twitter account (@WhiteHouse) to find out when we’re open for questions.
  • Once @PressSec has posted, anyone can fire away with questions using the hashtag #1q on Twitter. If you see a question you'd like answered, retweet it. You can also ask your question on the White House’s Google+ page and +1 the questions you like.
  • Over the next hour or two, we’ll collect your questions.
  • Jay will answer some of the questions you submitted and we’ll post the response on, Twitter and Google+.

We’re always looking for new ways and technologies to connect Americans with their White House. We hope you’ll participate in First Question and stay tuned for more chances to engage with the White House online.