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April 12, 2011


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putting America in position to win the future


"The next generation of transportation"??? Seriously, streets cars are about 6 generartions ago. So sad, really that all of your transportation priorities are being exposed as wasteful. President Obama sold out your High Speed Rail last week -- do you really think street cars are "winning the future"?

Mr LaHood and Mr Obama,

I am disappointed at the recent budget compromise to cut High Speed Rail funding from $2.5 billion to $1 billion. This compromise comes just weeks after you called to invest $53 billion/6 years for High Speed Rail. With great fanfare you explained why HSR is essential to help our country win the future.

Defense cuts would pay for this $9B/year program that reduces freeway congestion and cuts greenhouse gases. Over 15-20 years, America could cut .5 billion barrels/year from foreign oil consumption by dramatically cutting longer drives and short flights.

But since you would not stand for $2.5B in the current budget, supporters in your base NOW DOUBT your backbone to fight for HSR and other infrastructure to win the future.


Good news! Would like to see some streetcars here in Montreal, Canada too!

I like that. Seeing America finally taking action steps agains pollution in cities. But I guess it will take years for them to bring it to all big cities. Why are we not take European cities as example. They seem to have pollution in public transport under control.

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