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Literatura de Cordel:
Continuity and Change in Brazilian Popular Literature

Symposium: September 26-27, 2011
Thomas Jefferson Building, Room 119
10 First Street, SE
Washington, DC

Selected Resources

This selection of resources on the history and culture of Brazil and on literatura de cordel in particular is intended to provide an introduction and further reading for those attending this symposium and using this website. More publications and additional links to resources may be found via the web
resource links at the bottom of this page.

Books and Articles | Sound Recordings | Moving Image | Libraries and Archives | Web Resources

Books and Articles

Abreu, Márcia, 1999. Histórias de Cordéis e Folhetos. Mercado de Letras. (In Portuguese.)

Angelo, Assis, 1996. A Presença dos Cordelistas e Cantadores Repentistas em São Paulo. Instituição Brasileira de Difusão Cultural. (In Portuguese.)

Arantes, Antonio Augusto, 1982. O Trabalho e a Fala: Estudo Antropológico Sobre os Folhetos de Cordel. Editora Kairós: FUNCAMP. (In Portuguese.)

Batista, Sebastião Nunes, 1982. Poética Popular do Nordeste. Fundação Casa de Rui de Barbosa.

Bradesco-Goudemand, Yvonne, 1982. O Ciclo dos Animais na Literatura Popular do Nordeste. Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa. (In Portuguese.)

Brandão, Adelino, 1991. Crime e Castigo no Cordel: Crime e Pena no Folheto de Cordel e no Romanceiro Folclórico do Brasil. Presença. (In Portuguese.)

Carvalho, Gilmar de 2001a. Poetas do Povo do Piauí: a Mídia Cordel. Terceira Margem. (In Portuguese.)

Carvalho, Gilmar de, 2001b. Xilogravura. Museu do Ceará. (Includes a bibliography. In Portuguese.)

Carvalho, Gilmar de, 2002. Patativa do Assaré. Museu do Ceará. (In Portuguese.)

Carvalho Bião, Armindo Jorge de, ed., 2005. Teatro de Cordel na Bahia e em Lisboa. Secretaria da Cultura e Turismo Superintendência de Cultura. (In Portuguese.)

Chesnut, R. Andrew, 1997. Born Again in Brazil: The Pentecostal Boom and the Pathogens of Poverty. Rutgers University Press. (In English.)

Chesnut, R. Andrew, 2003. Competitive Spirits: Latin America's New Religious Economy. Oxford University Press. (In English.)

Curran, Mark, 2010. Brazil's Folk–Popular Poetry: A Literatura De Cordel. Trafford Publishing Co. (In English and Portuguese.)

Curran, Mark, 2000, editor. Cuíca de Santo Amaro Controvérsia no Cordel. Hedra Publishing House. (In Portuguese.)

Curran, Mark, 1973. A Literatura de Cordel. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. (In Portuguese.)

Curran, Mark, 1981. Jorge Amado e a Literatura de Cordel. Fundação Casade Rui Barbosa. (In Portuguese.)

Curran, Mark, 1990. Cuíca De Santo Amaro Poeta-Repórter Da Bahia. Preface by Jorge Amado. Fundação Casa de Jorge Amado. (In Portuguese.)

Curran, Mark, 1991. La Literatura De Cordel Brasileña: Antología Bilingüe en Espanol y Portugues. Editorial Orígenes. (In Portuguese and Spanish.)

Curran, Mark, 1998. História Do Brasil Em Cordel. Editora da Universidade de São Paulo. (In Portuguese.)

Curran, Mark, 2010. Retrato do Brasil em Cordel. Editora Ateliê. (In Portuguese.)

Curran, Mark, 2011. Retrato do Brasil em Cordel. Atelie Edtorial. (In Portuguese.)

Dinneen, Mark, 2001a. Brazilian Woodcut Prints. Columbia University Press. (In English.)

Dinneen, Mark, 2001b. Listening to the People's Voice: Erudite and Popular Literature in North East
, Kegan Paul International, 1996. (In English.)

Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, 1985. Literatura Popular em Verso. Itatiaia. (Anthology. In Portuguese.)

Jesus Santos, Olga de, ed., 1987. O Cordel: Testamunha da História do Brasil. Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa. (Anthology. In Portuguese.)

Kunz, Martine, 2001. Cordel: A Voz do Verso. Museu do Ceará / Secretaria da Cultura e Desporto. (In Portuguese.)

Lewin, Linda, 1996. "Who Was 'O Grande Romano'?: Genealogical Purity, Whiteness, and the "Indian Past" in Brazil's Northeast Backlands, 1750-1900," Journal of Latin American Lore, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 129-79. (In English.)

Lewin, Linda, 2007a. "A Tale of Two Texts: Orality, Oral History, and Poetic Insult in the Desafio of Romano
and Inacio in Patos (1874)," Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, Vol. 26, pp. 1-25. (In English.)

Lewin, Linda, 2007b. "Um Conto de Dois Textos: Oralidade, História Oral e Insulto Poetico em o Desafio de Romano e Inacio em Patos (1874)." In Violência: Política e Relações Pessoais, ed. Ana Claudia Marques. Editora Pontes, pp. 80-107. (Same article as previous, in Portuguese.)

Machado, Franklin de C., 1980. O Que é Literatura de Cordel?. Codecri. (In Portuguese.)

Machado, Franklin de C., 1984. O Cordel Televivo: Futuro, Presente e Passado da Literatura de Cordel. Editora Codecri. (In Portuguese.)

Matos, Edilene, 1986. O Imaginário na Literatura de Cordel. Universidade Federal da Bahia, Centro de Estudos Baianos Edições Macunaíma. (In Portuguese.)

McCann, Bryan, 2004. Hello, Hello Brazil: Popular Music and the Making of Modern Brazil. Duke University Press. (In English.)

McCann, Bryan, 2008. Throes of Democracy: Brazil Since 1989. Zed Books. (In English.)

Santos, Olga de Jesus, 1989. O Negro na Literatura de Cordel. Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa. (In Portuguese.)

Silva, Gisele Helena dos Santos, Izabel Maria de Aguiar, and Francisca Sanceveno, eds., 1994. Literatura de Cordel: Catálogo do Acervo da Biblioteca Central da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Biblioteca Central da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Two volumes. (Catalog of a major acquisition of cordel. In Portuguese.)

Silva, Gonçalo Ferreira da, ed., 1994-1995. Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel. Academia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel. Two volumes. (Anthology. In Portuguese.)

Silva, Gonçalo Ferreira da, ed., 1996. Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel. Academia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel. (Anthology. In Portuguese.)

Silva, Gonçalo Ferreira da, curator, 2008. 100 Cordéis Históricos Segundo a Academia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel. Academia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel. (Exhibit catalog. In Portuguese.)

Slater, Candace, 1982a. "Cordel and Canção in Today's Brazil," Latin American Research Review, Vol. 17,
No. 3, pp. 29-55. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1982b. "The Donzela Guerreira in a Brazilian Folheto," in Encruzilhadas/Crossroads, Second
Symposium on Portuguese Traditions
. Ed. Claude L. Hulet, pp. 77-87, University of California Press. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1982c. "The Hairy Leg Strikes: The Individual Artist and the Brazilian Literatura de
Cordel," Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 95, pp. 51-89. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1982d. "Setting Out for São Paulo: Internal Migration as a Theme in Brazilian Popular
Literature," New Scholar, Vol. 8, pp. 245-56. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1982e. Stories on a String: The Brazilian Literatura de Cordel, University of California Press. (Includes a bibliography. In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1985. "Men, Women and Ambivalence in the Brazilian Literatura de Cordel," pp. 168-183
in Woman as Myth and Metaphor in Latin American Literature. Eds. Carmelo Virgillo and Naomi Lindstrom University of Missouri Press. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1986. Trail of Miracles: Stories from a Pilgrimage in Northeast Brazil. University of California Press. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1988. "Literatura de Cordel, Folk-Popular Poetry and the Mass Media in Today's Brazil,"
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, Vol. 7 (1988), pp. 97-106. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 1990. "Whither Goest? The Brazilian Literatura de Cordel in the 1990s," Camões Center
, Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, pp. 25-28. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 2003. "Terror in the Twin Towers: The Events of September 11 in the Brazilian Literatura de Cordel," Latin American Research Review, Vol. 38.3, pp. 37-59. (In English.)

Slater, Candace, 2007. "The Literatura de Cordel in Today’s Brazil (An Ongoing Drama, or, Success!
Change! Loss! More Change! Renewal?)," Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies: Número Especial Sobre Literaturas Marginais e de Cordel. Vol. IX (2007), pp. 45-72. (In English.)

Sousa, Manoel Matusalém, 1984. A Igreja e o Povo na Literatura de Cordel. Edições Paulinas. (In Portugese.)

Tavares Júnior, Luiz, 1980. O Mito na Literatura de Cordel. Tempo Brasileiro. (In Portugese.)

Terra, Ruth Brito Lêmos, 1983. Memória de Lutas: Literatura de Folhetos do Nordeste, 1893-1930. 1a ed. Global Editora. (In Portugese.)

Viçosa, Etiel da., 2004. Cor de Cordel. Premius. (In Portugese.)

Young, Augustus, 1994. Lampion and His Bandits: Literature of the Cordel in Brazil. Menard
Press. (In English.)

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Sound Recordings

American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, 1997a. CD. The Discoteca Collection: Missão de Pesquisas Folclóricas. Endangered Music Series. Ryco, RCD 10404.

American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, 1997b. CD. L.H. Corrêa de Azevedo: Music of Ceará and Minas Gerais. Endangered Music Series. Ryco, RCD 10403.

Brésil: Aboio & Embolada du Nordeste / Aboio and Embolada: The Folk Poetry of the Brazilian Nordeste, 2006. Musique du Monde / Music from the World series. CD. Buda Musique, 3016895.

Cantoria Brasileira, 1992. CD. Kuarup.

Cantoria: Northeast Brazilian Popular Songs, (no date). CD. Ethnic (label), B6131.

Cordel do Fogo Encantado, 2001 (import reissue, 2007). CD. Trama.

O Desafio do Repente, 1998. Two CD set. CPC da UMES (União Municipal dos Estudantes de São Paulo).

Gonzaga, Luiz, 1996. Luiz Gonzaga - 50 Anos De Chão (1941-1987). Three CD set. BMG International.

Marinho, Andorinha and Sebastiao, 1997. Grandes Repentistas Do Nordeste — Cantoria De Viol. CD. Phantom.

Oliveira, Cego, 1999. Rabeca e Cantoria. CD reissue. Cariri Discos.

Salustiano, Manuel ("Mestre Salustiano"), 2007. Mestre Salu e a Rabeca Encantada. CD. Phantom.

Silva, João, 2009. Canta Mais Gonzaga. João Silva, Fundo Pernambucano de Incentivo à Cultura.

Quinteto da Paraiba: Música Armorial. String Quintets from Northeastern Brazil, 1996. CD. Nimbus Records, NI 5483.

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Moving Image

Especial Literatura de Cordel — Globo Rural, broadcast date: February 1, 2011. O Globo (00:43:03). Program on lituratura de cordel from the Globo Rural television show. Available in four parts via YouTube.External Link (In Portuguese.)

J. Borges: by Myself. A film by Marcelo Luna, 2010. Produced by Jonathan Williams, Tesoros Trading Co. (15 minutes).

Moro No Brasil.External Link A film by Mika Kaurismaki, 2002. A film about the roots of Brazilian music, with a focus on the northeastern region. English and Portuguese. (105 minutes).

Saudade do Futuro,External Link Laterit, 2000 (01:32:00). Directed by César Paes. Documentary on expressive musical forms in northeastern Brazil. A DVD of this film and a CD of the sound track are available via the link. (The DVD is in Portuguese with subtitles in French, English, and Spanish. The CD includes lyrics in Portuguese and translations into French and English.)

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Cordel Collections in Libraries and Archives

Included here is a selection of the larger collections of Brazilian literatura de cordel..

Acervo Maria Alice Amorim, Recife, Pernambuco,External Link a collection of approximately 7,300 cordel. The online database of cordel can be searched by title and author. Catlaog entries include scans of the covers. (Site in Portuguese)

The American Folklife Center, Library of Congress archive has more than 9,380 literatura de cordel in five collections. The majority of these are unique titles. In addition, the archive has a collection of eleven large woodblock prints by J. Borges. For more about these and related collections select the following links. (site in English):

The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection,External Link University of Texas Libraries, Austin has a collection of over 1,000 literatura de cordel listed individually in the general catalog. Search the catalog External Link for "Chapbooks, Brazilian" (this will result in a list of both chapbooks and books about cordel) or try Link (Site in English)

The Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janiero External Link has a large collection of literatura de cordel (approximately 2,500 have been cataloged). These are listed individually in the general catalog. (Site in English)

Brown University Library has a collection of 381 literatura de cordel. These are organized as the Literatura de Cordel Collection (Brown University), but individual titles are available in the online catalog.External Link Select the link to browse the titles, and the catalog records that include the names of authors and block print artists. (Site in English)

The Centre de Recherches Latino-Américaines, Université de Poitiers External Link has a large cordel collection titled: Fonds Raymond Cantel de Littérature Populaire Brésilienne. The online presentation shows full page scans of twenty-five examples from the collection. From the above link, this is the first collection listed. (Site in French)

Centro Nacional de Folclore de Cultura Popular, Rio de Janeiro,External Link a center for folklore and popular culture that is a division of the Brazilian Minsitry of Culture, has among the largest collections of cordel, with 7,164 titles. Over 5,500 of these have been digitally scanned and are available on the Cordelteca External Link database. (Site in Portuguese)

The Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles has a large collection of cordel. See the Finding Aid for the Literatura de Cordel collection, ca. 1970-1995.External Link This finding aid is available online in html and PDF via the Online Archive of California (in English).

Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro,External Link a division of the Braziliain Ministry of Culture's Literatura Popular em Verso External Link collection includes over 9,000 cordel, and so is among the largest collections in the world. (Site in Portuguese)

The Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, Universidade de Sao Paulo External Link has a collection of approximately 4,081 cordel. (Site in Portuguese)

Michigan State University Libraries Special Collections in Latin American and Latino History and Culture External Link includes 153 literatura de cordel chapbooks collected in 2007, 2008, and 2010. (Site in English)

Princeton University Library (site in English):

Universidade Estadual de Londrina Biblioteca Central has a large collection of literatura de cordel. See Tempo de Cordel,External Link the blog of the Projeto Tempo de Cordel (in Portuguese). The blog site has an email form for requesting information about the project.

Universidade Estadual da Paraíba Biblioteca External Link has a collection of over 9,990 literatura de cordel, currently the largest in the world. See the Lista de Cordel External Link page on the library site for more information (in Portuguese).

Universidade Estadual de Londrina Library, Londrina, Parana External Link has a collection of approximately 3,500 cordel. An article in Portuguese about this collection with photographs is available online: "Literatura Popular: Os Folhetos de Cordel da BC/UEL: Pesquisa, Preservação e a Divulgação" External Link [PDF, 12 pp., 222KB]. (The site and article are in Portuguese)

Universidade Federal da Paríba Biblioteca Central External Link has a large collection of literatura de cordel (600 have been cataloged). Titles are available in the general catalog, and, in some cases, covers have been scanned and are available in the catalog records. (Site in Portuguese)

University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana Library's has a collection of over 1,000 literatura de cordel. Titles are listed individually in the general catalog. Search the catalog External Link for "Chapbooks, Brazilian" (this will result in a list of both chapbooks and books about cordel). (Site in English)

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Main Campus Library has a collection of over 4,000 literatura de cordel listed individually in the general catalog. Search the catalog External Link for "Chapbooks, Brazilian" (this will result in a list of both chapbooks and books about cordel). (Site in English)

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Web Resources

Academia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel, Rio De Janeiro.External Link Brazilian society by and for authors, artists, and vendors of literatura de cordel. The site includes articles about cordel, images of covers, poetry, information about artists, and a blog about current events and issues. (In Portuguese.)

Brazilian Cordel Literature External Link (Research Guide). Alyson Williams and Paloma Celis Carbajal, compilers. University of Wisconsin Libraries. Includes lists of publications, websites, dissertations, and online videos. (In English.)

Câmara Brasileira de Jovens Escritores: Literatura de Cordel.External Link Publisher's site. Includes articles and examples of poetry. (In Portuguese.)

Cordel: Literatura Popular em Verso.External Link General information, bibliography, database of cordel with digital versions, and information about authors and block printers. Brazilian Ministério da Cultura website. (In Portuguese.)

Exposição: 100 Anos de Xilogravura na Literatura de Cordel.External Link Articles and information on cordel block printing and printers related to a Brazilian exhibition that took place in 2000. Photos of the interior of the exhibition and of individual prints and of woodblocks used for printing are presented. (In Portuguese.)

Curran's Cordel Connection: 45 Years of Cordel Studies. Short articles and abstracts of books and monographs on literatura de cordel by Mark Curran. In English.External Link Em Português.External Link

Mundo Cordel.External Link Blog by Marcos Mairton da Silva. Includes poetry by various authors, reviews of recordings, articles on cordel, and links to related websites and blogs. (In Portuguese.)

O Journal Do Nordeste / Link This publisher's website includes articles and a directory on northeastern Brazilian culture, including articles on cordel. Search on the names of authors and block print artists for specific entries. (In Portuguese.)

Projeto Cordel.External Link Educational project to use cordel poetry to teach Brazilian language and culture in primary schools. This site by Francisco Ferreira Filho Diniz and Valentim Martins Quaresma Neto creates a venue for contemporary cordel-style poetry and provides information about events related to cordel. (In Portuguese.)

Tempo de Cordel.External Link Blog of the Projeto Tempo de Cordel at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina Biblioteca Central, Paraná, Brazil. The site includes discussion about the project to organize and preserve the library's collection of literatura de cordel, posts about particular items in the collection, and an online exhibit of block prints. (In Portuguese.)


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