Read all posts tagged Rural

  • White House Champions in the Fight Against Youth Homelessness, Let's Move Olympics, Google Hangout on Local Foods

    The White House honors thirteen Champions of Change who are combating youth homelessness in their communities. The First Lady Michelle Obama is calling on families around the country to support Team USA by getting active in their own communities. The White House joins USDA and inspiring women leaders in the field of local foods through a Google+ Hangout to hear their stories and answer your questions.

  • Join a White House Hangout on Local Foods

    In a live Google+ Hangout, USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan and White House Director of Public Engagement Jon Carson will join women leaders across the country to discuss local food and agriculture, answer questions submitted by the public, and launch the latest version of Compass, the interactive Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food map.

  • Faith-Based Group Rebuilds Alabama Church Following 2011 Tornadoes

    When the Christian Valley Baptist Church in Boligee, AL was destroyed by last April's tornadoes, they faced an insurmountable repair bill. But members of an Ohio Mennonite congregation stepped in to help rebuild, finding housing at a congregation in Boligee that, possibly due to racial tension, had been burned down in 1996 and rebuilt.

  • White House Rural Council’s Health IT Initiative Helps Community Colleges Tailor Programs to Workforce Needs

    The U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently hosted a conference call with rural community colleges to discuss federal resources avaiable to expand training for health information technology workers.

  • Interior Department Helps Indian Country Go Green

    Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar signs a Record of Decision approving the first-ever, utility-scale solar project in Indian Country.

  • Strengthening the Rural Economy

    On June 11th the White House Rural Council celebrated it's first birthday. Last year, U.S. farm sector income reached a nominal record of $98.1 billion and record agricultural exports supported nearly a $43 billion trade surplus and 1.15 million American jobs. However, while progress has been made, we still have a great deal of work to do. It’s not time to let up.

  • Supporting Appalachian Communities

    The Federal Co-Chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) highlights the Livable Communities partnership between the ARC, EPA and USDA, providing technical assistance to small rural towns to help them develop and implement strategies for making their communities more livable and competitive.

  • One Year Later: What We’re Doing on the White House Rural Council

    Secretary Salazar highlights Interior Department's investments in rural communities.

  • Making Broadband Construction Faster and Cheaper

    The President’s Executive Order and the US Ignite partnership are a two-pronged approach to help speed the delivery of broadband connectivity to communities, businesses, and schools across the Nation.

  • Key Federal Agencies Collaborate to Provide Funding and Support for Rural America

    Three federal agencies announced a new project to assist high-need rural areas facing chronic poverty along the U.S.-Mexico border. This new project is part of a series of initiatives delivered through the White House Rural Council, which recently released a report detailing the historic steps President Obama and this administration have taken to support rural America.