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Magnifier window in lens view
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Introducing Windows 8: What's new for Accessibility
Learn about new and updated built-in assistive technologies that work seamlessly with both Windows 8 apps and desktop software.

Magnifier and touch-enabled devices
Magnifier is a tool that helps make words, images, and even your screen easier to see. You can use Magnifier in Windows 8 with a touch-enabled device.

Microsoft partners to help bridge the digital divide
A recent public-private partnership is helping a group of Los Angeles seniors be more active and manage their health data more securely.

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Provide feedback about accessibility in Microsoft products and services.

Contact for Internet Protocol (IP) Closed Captioning Issues:
Send email to Rob Sinclair, Chief Accessibility Officer, at Microsoft Closed Captioning Accessibility Issues
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399
Phone: (425) 882-8080 | Fax: (425) 936-7329