Law Library Stacks

The Guide to Law Online is an annotated compendium of Internet links; a portal of Internet sources of interest to legal researchers. Although the Guide is selective, inclusion of a site by no means constitutes endorsement by either the Law Library of Congress or its Office of Collection, Outreach, and Services.

In compiling this list, emphasis wherever possible has been on sites offering the full texts of laws, regulations, and court decisions, along with commentary from lawyers writing primarily for other lawyers. Materials related to law and government that were written by or for lay persons also have been included, as have government sites providing general information.

Every direct source listed here was successfully tested before being added to the list. Users should be aware that changes of Internet addresses and file names are frequent. Thus a successful connection may sometimes require several attempts. If such an attempt to access a file indicates an error, the information can sometimes still be accessed by truncating the URL address to access a directory at the site.

The editors of this Guide will be grateful for information identifying any online sources not yet included, as well as comments on errors or changes in addresses, conditions, or contents that warrant changes in the descriptions of these sites via Ask a Librarian.

Last Updated: 07/25/2012