Getting Started

Nothing is more important to the future of our nation than the education America’s young people. Good education works best when administered at the local level, and I am committed to removing Federal red tape so that Utah’s educators can address the local needs of their schools and communities.

The Senate Historical Office can also assist teachers in preparing information for students, in organizing and researching lesson plans, and with other educational concerns. Feel free to submit questions to  

The United States Capitol Historical Society also has a number of resources for teachers about the Capitol and U.S. Congress: full programs and lesson plans can be obtained by emailing the Capitol Historical Society at, or by calling (202)543-8919.

Educational Materials

  • Coloring Book from the United States Capitol Historical Society - A small coloring book provided courtesy of the United States Capitol Historical Society. A print version of the coloring book is available from the USCHS website. Capitol Coloring Book.pdf (1.8 MBs)

Higher Education

Financial assistance for education beyond high school is generally "needs-based" and often includes loans and work-study, in addition to some grants. College and university applications, websites, and brochures usually include financial aid information for prospective and incoming students. Please access my Grants Resource Center for information on federal financial aid.
Pursuant to Senate policy, newsletters, petitions, opinion polls and issue alerts and other electronic communications cannot be initiated by this office for the 60 day period immediately before the date of a primary or general election.