U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Keeping America Moving and Investing in High-Speed Rail 

Ours has always been a nation on the move. The American economy was built on the movement of people and goods across the continent by road, river, and rail and to the world from our seaports and airports. Today, much of our infrastructure has aged, and we need to make critical investments in highways, rail lines, public transit, and airports to make certain that goods can reach markets, that employees can access jobs, and that businesses will want to invest in new production facilities here in the United States. This includes the development of high-speed rail across the country and upgrading Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor. We must ensure that Delaware’s infrastructure can support the needs of a growing state and regional economy. 

Chris’ transportation priorities include: 

  • Increasing funding for high-speed rail development, especially in the Northeast Corridor. Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor has long been a critical artery of commerce for Delaware. Nearly every day the Senate is in session, Chris commutes by train to Washington alongside many other Delawareans who are regular riders. He knows how important rail access is to our state, not just passenger rail, but freight rail too. Developing a dedicated high-speed rail network in this country will reduce transit times, improve access, and lower freight congestion. 
  • Passing the Livable Communities Act. One of our goals must be to foster the growth of sustainable communities with easy access to public transportation. This is not only important for energy efficiency but also to ease access for commuters, especially in places like New Castle County. The Livable Communities Act, which would promote urban planning for sustainable growth and integrated transit, failed to pass last Congress. Chris believes it deserves as close second look.


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