News & Press Releases

June 30, 2010 - Senator Webb was honored with the Outstanding Legislator Award by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for his leadership on behalf of people living with mental illness in the criminal justice system.
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Health Care
I am committed to making quality health care more accessible and affordable for more Americans. This means both reforming our health care system and supporting programs—like FAMIS (Virginia’s health insurance program for children) and our national network of Community Health Centers—that are currently providing critical health care services to those in need.

While many people in the United States are satisfied with their health care, our system is not working for millions of American families.  Spiraling costs for health care have placed our biggest industries at a severe competitive disadvantage, as employers struggle to provide insurance for their workers.  At the same time, families are increasingly unable to depend on their health care plans when they need them the most. 

Our nation’s continued economic recovery would be advanced by meaningful and effective health care reform.  Such reform must emphatically be reasonable in scope, cost, and impact. It is important for us to be highly deliberative on this matter of importance to the lives and livelihoods of so many Americans.