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Mike Enzi

Mike Enzi

  • Government Official
    Mike Enzi is Wyoming’s 20th U.S. Senator. His joy of representing Wyoming is topped by few things. (Being a grandfather and fly-fishing are two).
  1. This summer the Rocky Mountain West endured 5,152 fires that scorched a total of 1,186,965 acres. These wildfires had devastating effects on communities, much of which is still being felt. I joined a bipartisan letter to USDA Secretary Tom ...
    Vilsack requesting the support of proactive forest management, utilizing our timber industry. We have the ability to reduce fuel loads in wildfire-prone areas and improve community safety throughout the West. As well, it could support local economies and protect drinking water supplies. Click the link below to read the full article and letter.
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  2. Angela Jarvis and Rachel McCaughey of the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce with Senator Mike Enzi this afternoon (picture by Justin Wolffing)
    Photo: Angela Jarvis and Rachel McCaughey of the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce with Senator Mike Enzi this afternoon (picture by Justin Wolffing)
  3. Our electoral process has served America for more than 200 years. While the result of this election may not have been what many of us wanted, millions of Americans went to the polls and the people have spoken. This is a time that requires great cooperation and bipartisanship. Failure to act on our national debt, the fiscal cliff, rising health care costs, and a whole slate of other issues, will le...
    ave future generations with less opportunity and prosperity than our ancestors left us. I salute every candidate whether they won or lost because they cared enough about their community to put themselves and their beliefs on the line. Intense public scrutiny is not an easy thing to bear. My congratulations to Senator Barrasso and Representative Lummis on their re-election. They earned it. Wyoming has a strong team and we will continue to advocate for less government and more sustainable spending along with responsible domestic energy production.
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  4. Wyoming came out on top in this year’s World’s Forage Analysis Superbowl at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. This annual event, held in early October, provides hay growers from across the U.S. and Canada an opportunity to enter t...
    heir high quality samples to compete for awards. In the Commercial Hay Division five of the six Wyoming entrants placed in the top 10 (not to mention we took first through fourth place), out of 27 total entries. In the Grass/Hay Division three of the five Wyoming entrants placed in the top 10, out of 25 total entries. This is the eighth consecutive year that Wyoming producers have competed and displayed their exceptional skills in the field. Click on the link to read the full article.
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  5. The deadline has been extended for spring 2013 internship applications in my D.C. office to next Wednesday, November 14, at midnight EST. If you are a Wyoming college student or graduate, consider applying! The term will run from January 7 – May 24. Please share this great opportunity with family and friends while there is still time. Click the link below to find out more and how to apply.
  6. I had the honor of attending the 90th Missile Wing Quarterly Awards Ceremony breakfast, held last Friday at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne. I was able to assist Colonel Christopher Coffelt, the 90th Missile Wing commander, and Chief Master Sergeant Michael Garrou, 90th Missile Wing command chief, in presenting the awards. The responsibility of safeguarding our nation’s ICBM force is entrusted to the best.
    Photo: I had the honor of attending the 90th Missile Wing Quarterly Awards Ceremony breakfast, held last Friday at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne. I was able to assist Colonel Christopher Coffelt, the 90th Missile Wing commander, and Chief Master Sergeant Michael Garrou, 90th Missile Wing command chief, in presenting the awards. The responsibility of safeguarding our nation’s ICBM force is entrusted to the best.
  7. The application deadline for spring 2013 internships in my D.C. office are due this Friday, November 2, at midnight EST. If you are a Wyoming college student or graduate, consider applying! As an intern, you’ll experience our nation’s capit...
    al, network, and develop skills that will help you further your education and career goals. The term will run from January 7 – May 24. Please share this great opportunity with family and friends while there is still time! Click the link below to find out more and how to apply.
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  8. Skipping the budgeting, authorizing and appropriating committee process in lieu of last-minute, omnibus, must-pass, stop-gap bills diminishes the role of Congress. It diminishes the role of individual members of Congress and reduces the input of the people from that member’s state or district. By skipping steps, Congress allows the Administration to regulate and spend with little fear of being c...
    hecked by the legislative branch. Our country’s founders gave Congress the “power of the purse.” The Senate and House should right the ship no matter what party controls the White House. Using the committee system and considering legislation as it should be considered would go a long way. It would put a stop to a lot of partisanship, some of which is simply frustration from leaders preventing members from legislating.
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  9. Jackson area residents will have the opportunity to meet with Reagen Green from my Jackson office Tuesday, October 23. She will be at the Jackson Town Hall from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more information, call 307-739-9507.

    I meet with people in different parts of the state most weekends, but my staff also holds office hours to answer questions and pass along to me any concerns or ideas you may have.
  10. The Abandoned Mine Land Trust Fund money taken from Wyoming, the misnamed veteran bill that’s more about politics than veterans and small business regulation - these are a few of the issues discussed in my newsletter this month. It’s now posted on my website. If you want to sign up for the electronic version and view the October newsletter, click on the link below.

Earlier in November

Earlier in October

Earlier in 2012