Washington – U.S. Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) sent the following letter to MA utility companies regarding the possible landfall of Hurricane Sandy:  

Dear Massachusetts Energy Providers,

With Massachusetts potentially in the path of the landfall of Hurricane Sandy, I write to request specific information regarding your preparations, including a comparison of the number of line crews and repair personnel you have at your disposal today, compared to this time last year.

A year ago this week, an early season snowstorm dropped inches of snow across many parts of the Commonwealth that impacted many of our citizens. Thousands of area residents who were prepared to endure brief power outages of 24 to 48 hours were instead left with no access to electricity for weeks. We are now aware of a hurricane that could create disruptions, and I want to make sure there are proper plans in place to ensure that people of Massachusetts don't endure unnecessary extended outages again. I applaud the recent statements from your companies indicating that you have made an effort to complete more tree trimming work in preparation for major storms, which I hope will be helpful should this storm hit.  

With a powerful hurricane potentially approaching, and as I look to share the most up-to-date information with my constituents, I look forward to your prompt response to my request.


Scott P. Brown
United States Senator                             


