Senate Floor Statement on the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mr. President, each year, 76 million Americans are sickened by food-borne illness. More than 300,000 become so sick they must be hospitalized. More than 5,000 die of their illness. These statistics are deeply worrisome. And behind each number is a family dealing with tragic loss, or expensive hospital bills, or concern for a sick child.

The situation cries for action, which is why I support passage of the legislation we are now considering, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. This legislation seeks to address major deficiencies in the system that protects Americans from food-borne illnesses. It includes provisions recommended by Republicans and Democrats, by government experts and outside groups. It should have strong bipartisan support.

The bill would give FDA authority to initiate food recalls even when producers of unsafe foods refuse to do so voluntarily. It would strengthen FDA's ability to trace harmful products to their source. It would crack down on the unsafe food imports that have been the source of many health-risk incidents. It would increase FDA's authority to inspect food-producing facilities to prevent illnesses. And it would require greater diligence on the part of those producers to prevent food-borne illnesses and other health threats.

Passing this legislation will make our food safer and protect Americans from harm. I will vote to approve it and I hope for a strong bipartisan vote in favor of this bill.