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Promoting Health and Wellness

Promoting Health and Wellness

"The wealthiest country in the world ought to be the healthiest country in the world - but we're not. Chronic diseases, from heart disease to diabetes, take a real toll on our bodies and budgets, accounting for over 75 percent of our total health care costs. Meanwhile, we spend almost nothing on keeping people well. In short, we don't have a health care system in America; we have a sick care system. It's time to transform America into a genuine wellness society, shifting the focus from patching people up after they get sick to keeping them healthy in the first place." - Senator Tom Harkin
Close-up of an apple with a measuring tape around it and chrome dumbbells at the background

As Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and of the Appropriations subcommittee that funds health related measures, Senator Harkin uses his influence to support our nation's health and wellness, including numerous initiatives for Iowa.

Creating a Robust Public Health System

Ensuring Access to Preventive Care

Wellness in the Community

Remaining the World Leader in Biomedical Research