

After rightfully and successfully intervening in Afghanistan to remove the Taliban government and destroy al-Quaeda, our original goals have largely been achieved.  The men and women who have served during the conflict have done a fantastic job and served honorably.  They should be commended for their achievements. 

Given this progress, it is the right time to initiate a sizeable and sustained reduction in forces.  Afghanistan remains a priority for our national security as we transition from a counterinsurgency strategy to a counterterrorism strategy.  Responsibility over local and regional conflicts should be transferred over to the Afghan government while we concentrate our efforts on ensuring Afghanistan does not again become a haven for terrorist organizations. 


Day Lee Briefings

June 2011
Date Title
6/23/11 Day Lee Briefing -- 6/23/2011
6/15/11 Day Lee Briefing -- 6/15/2011


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