Rep Sandy Levin
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Rep Sandy Levin

Rep Sandy Levin
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  • Government Official
    Rep. Sander “Sandy” Levin represents The 12th Congressional District which includes communities in Macomb and Oakland counties.
  1. Recent Posts by Others on Rep Sandy LevinSee All
    • Congratulations Congressman Sandy Levin!
      1 · 22 hours ago
    • Sir, you are the only local politician who not only understands my concerns on net neutrality and copyright infringement, but you also have taken a stance on these issues I can support, and your office has responded to me each time I've had a concern. You sir, have earned my vote. Thank you for truly representing me in Congress.
      1 · Monday at 7:25pm
    • Janice Anderson
       Modest Needs Foundation Dear Friends - We're VERY proud to announce the launch of Modest Needs' Hurricane Relief program. This special grant program will help low-income workers who were temporarily unemployed during the storm to afford their most important monthly expense: their rental or mortgage payments. Through this special grant program, you can offer quick, simple, and IMMEDIATE assistance to the low-income workers now facing homelessness because of this storm. Best of all, the first $150K in contributions will be instantly matched! If you'd like to help, please consider making a contribution to our Hurricane Relief fund. And then, please spread the word to your friends and neighbors - both those who may need help, and those who can offer help. Together, now more than ever, we really CAN make a world of difference to the people facing homelessness because of this storm. Thanks for your support!
      1 · Monday at 6:46pm
    • Dr. Charles Gilchrist Adams, my pastor, mentor and role model. He prayed with me over the phone on October 6, 2004; asking God to give me a second chance to live free and be productive. He told me that, "If I arrived to a job prospect on October 7, 2004; on time, that God was going to meet me there!" And God did! Just google me if you do not believe it! Thank you God for second chances!! Come visit us at: Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit.
      November 3 at 6:42am
    • Janice Hicks
       I am trying to get ahold of Mr Bollen who wrote the policy in the USA for the SNAP program for Seniors , he went home they said, Ph # 202-408-1080. I want to know why I have to give a copy of my titles to my mobile home and my 2003 car, in order to get food stamps. And then I have to worry about those titles being used as collateral or being sold by Wall Street as derivatives>>>>what the hell is going on ? Family service told me that our Republican Govenor Rich Snyder did this, but I found where the policy makers in Wash D.C did it and I want to know which of our US Senators and REps From Michigan voted on this bill ! This is getting crazier and crazier, No way would I give my paid off title to my home or car so somebody on Wall Street can resell it 900 times Its my hard earned money that paid for it and I have been laid off for 4 years for God's sake the website I was on :
      October 31 at 1:23pm
  2. Made friendly World Series wager with Leader Pelosi today: Tigers win and she provides assortment of San Francisco chocolate. Giants win and I provide Sanders Fudge, Gayle’s Chocolate, and Morley Candy, along with Garden Fresh Gourmet salsa and Vernors.

    Looking forward to San Francisco chocolate next week! Bless You Boys!
  3. 113,000 people on Medicare in Michigan's 12th District would see costs soar under Ryan plan to transform program into voucher system, according to new analysis. Many more harmful effects

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