Fighting Water Pollution

Each year, Senator Murray works to secure funding to help communities throughout Washington state upgrade their drinking water and wastewater systems. She also works to secure funding for the Army Corps of Engineers to complete environmental restoration and additional water supply projects, such as Duwamish River restoration and Mud Mountain Dam fish passage upgrades. 

Protecting ANWR 

Senator Murray opposes drilling and exploration for oil and natural gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). She has consistently voted against attempts to allow drilling in ANWR, and since she joined the Senate in 1992, Murray has cosponsored legislation to declare ANWR a protected wilderness area that is off-limits to drilling.  

Protecting Clean Air

A clean environment is essential to a high quality of life for every American. Air pollution puts a strain on children, the elderly, and others suffering from asthma. As the Northwest region continues to grow, air pollution could impact the quality of life that Washingtonians hold so dear. Throughout her Senate tenure, Senator Murray has consistently fought for legislation that improves air quality throughout the country, and she has consistently opposed efforts to strip key provisions of the Clean Air Act.